Hi again,
I looked into a skin more closely, and did some PS work to see where all images go, in relation to size, margins and offsets.
Picked the 'Blue Steel' skin, just for reference.
Here are the images making up the skin topbar with some values:

The pink blocks and lines are the actual image sizes. The white 'arrows' and numbers are the pixel coord.
And here's the .xml code for the skin:
<Entry Name="Display" Bitmap="Playerbar_Display.png" NumberImages="1"
Margins="69,0,106,0" DrawMode="REGION_E_HTILE,REGION_E_VSTRETCH" >
<Colors TitleText="132243" StatusText="0E1A34" />
<Entry Name="PositionSlider" Bitmap="PlayerBar_SliderPos.bmp" TransColor="FF00FF"
Margins="0,8,0,0" DrawMode="REGION_E_HTILE" />
<Entry Name="PositionSliderFront" Bitmap="PlayerBar_SliderPosFront.bmp" TransColor="FF00FF"
Margins="0,3,0,2" DrawMode="REGION_E_HTILE" />
<Entry Name="PositionSliderThumb" Bitmap="Playerbar_SliderPosThumb.png" NumberImages="4" />
<Entry Name="VolumeSlider" Bitmap="PlayerBar_SliderVol.png" />
<Entry Name="VolumeSliderFront" Bitmap="PlayerBar_SliderVolFront.bmp" TransColor="FF00FF"
Margins="0,6,0,2" DrawMode="REGION_E_HTILE" />
<Entry Name="VolumeSliderThumb" Bitmap="PlayerBar_SliderVolThumb.png" NumberImages="4" />
<Entry Name="PlayButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_PlayButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="StopButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_StopButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="PauseButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_PauseButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="NextButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_NextButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="PreviousButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_PrevButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="Search" Bitmap="Playerbar_Search.bmp" NumberImages="1" TransColor="FF00FF"
Margins="20,0,20,0" OffsetY="52" />
<Entry Name="MediaMode" Bitmap="" OffsetY="89" />
<Entry Name="ShuffleButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_ShButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="ShuffleOffButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_ShOffButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="ContinuousButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_ContButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="ContinuousOffButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_ContOffButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="ContinuousSongButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_ContSongButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="DSPButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_DSPButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="MuteButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_MuteButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="MuteOffButton" Bitmap="PlayerBar_MuteOffButton.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Colors InactiveBlend="8791A7" />
<Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="Statusbar_Display.bmp" NumberImages="1" TransColor="FF00FF"
Margins="12,4,22,3" TextColor="16284F" />
<Entry Name="LocationBar" Bitmap="TargetBar.bmp"
Margins="10,0,10,0" TextColor="16284F" />
<Entry Name="TargetBar" Bitmap="TargetBar.bmp"
Margins="10,0,10,0" TextColor="16284F" ActiveTextColor="0154D5" />
<Entry Name="TopBar" Alignment="0" OffsetX="148" OffsetY="0" > <Colors Text="16284F" HilightText="0154D5" SelectedText="0154D5" Separator="16284F" />
<Entry Name="BottomBar" >
<Colors Text="16284F" HilightText="0154D5" SelectedText="0154D5" Separator="16284F" />
Some questions on this:
- <Entry Name="TopBar" Alignment="0" OffsetX="148" OffsetY="0" > <--Is this the offset for the File>Edit..... menu on top?
- The Y offset for the start of the control buttons and Statusbar_Display is fixed to 32 pixels? It seems the Y-placement is the same for all skins?
- How are the margins defines? Is it left-top-right-bottom?
- The Playerbar_Search.bmp is much smaller than shown in the UI. Can it also be scaled in height? Also the margins and offset for the search box make no sense to me looking at the placement coord.
- This is also the case for the Playerbar_xxx images with a margin setting and offset. How does one set the horizontal values, like in the top image for instance, like the 20px and 210px?
If someone can explain this in more detail than the wiki, it would be great.