I'm not really a newbie to MC, but since I've always been a 2 channel, analog music enthusiast, I never had any reason to delve into many of MC's functions. Having said that I recently bought 2 subs and a new integrated amp that has bass management and room correction functions, although it's manual settings don't seem to be as feature rich as MC. If I choose to use the room correction features in MC, how should I configure my amp? It has a "direct" setting, which bypasses all tone controls and sends a raw signal straight to the power amps. It also has a DSP mode which allows for all the tone and crossover settings, but it's default setting is "flat". Should I set the amplifier to it's DSP setting? I'm pretty sure that I should use either the amp's bass management system or MC, and not a combination of the two. How do you guys have your receivers set when your using MC's room correction features? Thanks in advance for all replies.