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Author Topic: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC  (Read 4181 times)


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Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« on: December 08, 2013, 11:19:56 am »

So, looking through my home video collection, I realize that MC is setting the [Date] field to the date the files were created on the filesystem (which is the date I imported them from my device - using MC), and not the embedded "Date Recorded".

Looking at one of them in MediaInfo clearly shows the files are stamped with the real Date Recorded:

Code: [Select]
Complete name                            : M:\Images\Incoming\2013\2013-04-21\IMG_2966.MOV
Format                                   : MPEG-4
Format profile                           : QuickTime
Codec ID                                 : qt 
File size                                : 83.4 MiB
Duration                                 : 32s 333ms
Overall bit rate                         : 21.6 Mbps
Recorded date                            : 2013-03-30T10:35:10-0400
Encoded date                             : UTC 2013-03-30 14:35:10
Tagged date                              : UTC 2013-03-30 14:35:23
Writing application                      : 6.1.2
Writing library                          : Apple QuickTime
Model                                    : iPhone 4S
©xyz                                     : +44.5321-068.4030+053.000/
Make                                     : Apple                 : Apple         : 2013-03-30T10:35:10-0400     : +44.5321-068.4030+053.000/             : 6.1.2                : iPhone 4S

I'm wondering if:

1. There is a way MC can automatically parse this data out properly when it imports the files.
2. There is a way to do it manually for files that have already been imported.  I can't find this "real date" anywhere in MC currently, which means I can't copypasta it to the right field.
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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2013, 01:45:00 pm »

I can't think of any automated way to do this.  Perhaps your Ingester program, or the like.

MediaInfo has a command line capability, so you could run a script on the entire collection of video files, outputting the Recorded Date, and construct an MPL or use the MCWS service to update the Date field for said files.
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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2013, 03:22:18 pm »

An option for the future: don't use MC to import them from your device.  I don't, and my Date field is populated with the actual time I took the picture.  The Date Created field is showing the time it was created on my filesystem, and then the Date Imported is obviously the time it was imported into MC.  Usually, the last two will be the same if I have auto-import on.


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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2013, 07:21:59 am »

This has been longstanding, and has been mentioned a few times by me and others:
  - Here
  - Here
  - Here
  - Here

The funny thing is, MC used to do this fine years ago... I'm pretty sure it was around the time Carnac was introduced that it no longer picked up the right date. I use *.mts files and have done for years with pretty much the same workflow... this broke a few years ago.

My workaround is to copy the [Date Modified] field in MC (which oddly contains the correct date the video was taken) to the [Date] field on import. It's not perfect and sometimes I forget...

An option for the future: don't use MC to import them from your device.  I don't, and my Date field is populated with the actual time I took the picture.  The Date Created field is showing the time it was created on my filesystem, and then the Date Imported is obviously the time it was imported into MC.  Usually, the last two will be the same if I have auto-import on.

This isn't quite true for video though... My workflow is to copy the videos off the SD card onto my HDD with windows explorer. I then import from explorer into MC. I don't import from a device with MC. The date is still the same for all the videos (ie the date they were copied from the SD card).


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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2013, 07:38:39 am »

Sorry, for some reason I had Images in my mind when the title clearly reads Video.  Images have the Date as when the picture was taken, but after checking, you are correct that Videos do not, regardless of how they are imported onto the PC.  My mistake. 

This does seem like it should work better.  Date should be the actual time the Video was recorded.


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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2013, 07:54:19 am »

Yeah, my photos actually work correctly.  This could be because I don't import photos directly via MC ever as I have an EyeFi card for my SLR and the rest is all from iOS devices (for which PhotoStream handles getting it onto the PC).  Or maybe Carnac was interfering with your imports, darichman, depending on the filenaming scheme your stuff happened to use?  In any case, I haven't checked every single photo, but for the vast majority, the [Date] field is right, and matches the real date/time the photo was taken.

The issue is video, and these don't work at all.  I do typically use MC to import my videos (mostly from iPhones), but I'm not sure using something else would help here (and what would I use - the built in Windows transfer thing?)...
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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2013, 02:21:20 am »

Or maybe Carnac was interfering with your imports, darichman, depending on the filenaming scheme your stuff happened to use?  In any case, I haven't checked every single photo, but for the vast majority, the [Date] field is right, and matches the real date/time the photo was taken.

No no my photos are all fine too :) Image date handling is perfect for me at the moment (excepting some incompatibilities with Picasa).

My last post and the links to previous threads are all about the video side of things ;)


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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 11:10:52 am »

Ok, gotcha.
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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2014, 05:49:13 pm »

@glynor - when you posted your initial question above, I had not written pscriptor.  Since it now exists, it should be able to solve your need.

In pscriptor, I just posted a GetMediaInfo scriptlet to satisfy another user's request.

It would be quite trivial to use a modified version of the scriptlet to update your Date Recorded field from mediainfo's output.  Let me know if you want a scriptlet for this...
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Re: Reading Recorded Date from Home Videos Imported into MC
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 09:07:43 pm »

"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

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