Winamp, Total Recorder, and Apollo all have a "fast forward" or "skip forward" (or back)function while playing MP3 files. Why doesn't Media Jukebox have one?
High Criteria's Total Recorder has the best scheme. You decide, using a drop-down menu, how far (seconds or minutes) you want to skip when you click the "skip forward" or "skip back" buttons. I keep mine set on 15 seconds, so I can skip back and repeat a segment that I want to hear again, perhaps because I missed the words. Even better, when I am trying to identify a track, and it obviously has a long introduction, I can skip forward until the lyrics appear. Also, if I'm listening to something like an Audio Book and the phone rings and I pause, it's nice to skip back 15 seconds to help remenber where I was.
It's not necessary to have anything this elaborate, but not being able to do any skipping withing a track is a serious flaw in your otherwise excellent navigation scheme.