I select a group of files to burn to MP3 disks, why I know how to do by choosing data disk and specifying the various conversions options (since most of my files are FLACs) and, if I want them, DSP options. What I do not know how to do is to order the tracks on an MP3 disks. Is this always random, or can MP3 disks have track numbers and orders like CDs. (Please excuse my ignorance here if this is an obvious question to everyone but me). Most of my files are from sources other than CDs so they do not have "Track numbers" carried over from those sources. I tried assigning track numbers to the files/tracks in the order I wanted them to appear on the MP3 disks (data CDs), choosing files to span two CDs, but there is a random mix of tracks between the two spanned CDs: tracks #2 and #72 are both on the second CD, etc. This is really a pain for multi-movement classical pieces, for example.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to specify the order in which tracks will burn on MP3 CDs?
(I am still on -- Simply no time at this point to install new version, which always entails certain complications.)