More > Media Jukebox
Runtime Error
Running Windows 8 and Jukebox 12. Has been working fine but recently started giving me a runtime error and shutting down.
Any idea what might cause this? Seems to happen the most when idle. Tried to attach and image of the error but saw no way.
Updated to Jukebox 14 and all seems to work well on Windows 8.1, except I can't figure out how to eliminate my external drives from being viewed. Those are back ups and stay attached to my laptop, however, it causes three views of the same file in different locations. I"ve tried removing them from view but they continue to show up the individual files and paths.
You could try our latest Media Center.
Antivirus software can sometimes cause the kind of problem you're seeing.
--- Quote from: JimH on March 12, 2014, 11:23:57 am ---You could try our latest Media Center.
Antivirus software can sometimes cause the kind of problem you're seeing.
--- End quote ---
Sorry, you may have responded about the same time I modified my message.
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