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Author Topic: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles for DVD Rips  (Read 1897 times)


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This should be fixed in an upcoming build. There may still be a minimal delay when it reaches the end of the file, because it needs to make sure its really at the end and not just experiencing a slow connection, but it shouldn't be more then a second or so.

I have a similar problem with ripped DVD's in folder structure (VIDEO_TS, &c.), wherein playback will not cease when the end is reached. There is no looping audio or anything, nor does it cause MC to hang--it just sits there perpetually in "Live" mode. This happens during normal playback (as in, not via on-the-fly transcoding over a network), though it is not a large issue per se, since hitting the forward button will kick it back into gear and allow it to play the next item in a given playlist. Still, it's weird, and I wonder if it can be remedied. Ripped BD's (BDMV/STREAM) do not present this issue and play/stop normally.

I have another small inconvenience to mention: I have been using particles to create "copies" of videos with dual audio (as in, multiple language audio tracks), and which include subtitles, in order to take full advantage of the Analyse Audio feature. I have two issues:

1. When playing ripped DVD's like what I mentioned above, I can right-click and select which audio and subtitle track to use while playing the video. However, for unknown reasons, MC "forgets" my last selection(s) the moment I stop playback, choosing whatever the default tracks are during the next playback instead. This essentially makes it impossible to analyse the audio in different tracks, even with particles. Again, this is not an issue with BD rips.
2. When I am working with a TV show that consists of many episodes, I find it tedious to go through, manually creating a particle episode-by-episode. So, I tried selecting all the videos for which I wanted particles created and used the "Auto Create DVD/BD Title Particles" feature. This creates a single, full-length particle for each video like I want (I use DVDFab's "Main Movie" feature to rip episodes via chapter selection, as opposed to the whole of a given DVD), but it presents a couple of issues:
a. These particles lose all of their chapter information, meaning that the forward button skips to the next video, rather than to the next section of the current one.
b. These particles sometimes fail to retain their audio or subtitle track information, and no options appear when trying select an audio language or a subtitle track, except for "Off", which is selected already. The "default" audio track still plays, but, again, this defeats the purpose of making the particles in the first place. Other times, though, the effect is different: occasionally, the audio and subtitle tracks will still appear to be selectable, but they won't be labelled as their respective languages anymore, and the subtitles themselves will appear in an odd colour.

Any ideas on any of that? Would it be possible to include an option to batch create particles based on selectable parameters?


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Re: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 02:37:57 pm »

In addition, I have another suggestion:

Allow an option to create particles based on chapters, as opposed to time.


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Re: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 03:16:20 pm »

In addition, I have another suggestion:

Allow an option to create particles based on chapters, as opposed to time.
There are a lot of us that want that feature. See this thread:
Matt!:Create Particles - Playback Range defined by Chapter not Time Codes


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Re: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 08:11:02 am »

There are a lot of us that want that feature. See this thread:
Matt!:Create Particles - Playback Range defined by Chapter not Time Codes

Yes, let me add my voice as well.  I have a large number of TV show DVDs that are defective, let's say, difficult.  For a five episode disc, they only present as a single 2.5 hour title with five chapters, not as five separate titles.  Being able to just click a button to get the five particles instead of manually entering in all the information over and over would be great. 


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Re: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles for DVD Rips
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2014, 10:05:16 pm »

UPDATE: I just got done ripping a series off of several blu-ray discs, and, thinking that it might act differently, I selected all episodes and used the "Auto Create BD/DVD Title Particles". Sure enough, the errors described in item #2 in the OP didn't apply. No loss of any streams or labelling, no chapter loss, and no subtitle recolouring. Everything worked normally. It's just the DVD rips.

In general, it seems there are a plethora of bugs plaguing MC's handling of DVD rips, whereas BD rips are unaffected. Thread title edited accordingly.


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Re: [19.0.118] Questions & Suggestions Regarding Particles for DVD Rips
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 05:09:28 am »

Anybody have any feedback to offer on this?
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