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JRiver Synapse -- Would you consider a $395 Audiophile DLNA Renderer?

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Pricey DAC's split


--- Quote from: csimon on March 06, 2014, 04:29:15 am ---There's no point surely in duplicating what, say, Synology have done who've already got the storage thing on headless servers with an amazing and well-developed UI and a complete package-management system, sewn up.

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To be clear, I wasn't talking about trying to compete with a multi-disk RAID enclosure NAS style device, like those from Synology.  I was talking about a way to make having an online media Library in MC easy to obtain and set up, alongside the other benefits.

I was talking about the need most people have, which is to attach one, or two, external USB disks to give them 2-4TB of storage online.  More like competing with the NAS-ified USB ports they stick on routers nowadays (and which, by the way, do a terrible job at it).  Now, I certainly realize that Synology and the other similar vendors make more modest systems, but I'm really talking about one more value add to the suggested "base", not a "I want to be the best NAS for everyone" product.

A lot like the File Transporter Sync I linked to earlier, but that can do really high-quality audio as well.

As I said before... I think this is a much easier sell if it has Theater View and Video support, without all the storage stuff I suggested, so maybe really working on that for v20 is time better spent.

It just wouldn't have much value for me, as described, that's all I can really say for sure.

I should also add... One thing you have to be concerned with in any case is security.  These appliance devices are now becoming the prime targets for attacks.  As PCs have become tougher and tougher targets, often it is these "smart" devices (routers, home automation appliances, and media streaming devices) that are being increasingly targeted.

And, most of the competition in this space is also terrible at that job (in addition to being terrible at software).

I think there's potential here.  A good central kernel of an idea.  I'm just not sure you've nailed it quite yet.


--- Quote from: JimH on March 05, 2014, 03:16:42 pm ---We're probably going to introduce a hardware product this year.  I'd like to ask you for your reaction.

Ours would be this NUC plus Linux (probably Debian) plus JRiver Media Center for Linux, configured to be used as a DLNA Renderer, and possible to configure and use without a monitor.  It would probably sell for $395.

The initial version would be audio only because that's what MC on Linux does now.  Eventually, it might be upgradable to also play video and images.

Is this interesting?

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Nope, I can't think of any reason to buy such a limited device at this price.


--- Quote from: glynor on March 06, 2014, 07:12:56 pm ---I think there's potential here.  A good central kernel of an idea.  I'm just not sure you've nailed it quite yet.

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I agree with just about almost everything Glynor has posted in this thread so I'm just posting to add my vote with his views without a long write-up.

FWIW, I have Synology/QNAP NAS machines set up and have been considering getting a standalone mini PC like the NUC here or the Zotac posted in to install JRiver.
So yes, a full solution for the Media Center will interest me. A pure audio-only solution would not. [I connect it straight the the horrific TV Speakers.  LOL]

It kinda short-changes JRiver, JRiver isn't just the best audiophile software solution anymore. It has become the best media solution [admittedly my biased opinion] out there. I would never have considered a standalone PC for other products out there in the past, but JRiver's worth it.

Absolutely. If it is a high performance unit with best playback in mind.  Unless you want to go cheap and then rationalize why something better isn't necessary. Or, if you have the knowledge to build your own....


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