Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

JRiver Synapse -- Would you consider a $395 Audiophile DLNA Renderer?

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Would this be something that would be able to play gapless over DLNA or other streaming?

If it does then that would be something that would/could differentiate it from the competition.  Gapless playback as a feature is a biggie for me.  Because of the types of music I like and how I like to listen to it (as full albums, not as playlist tracks).  I'm not sure how big if a deal breaker gapless support is for others, but for me it's a biggie. 

If we control both sides, we can make gapless work.


--- Quote from: JimH on March 07, 2014, 07:51:21 am ---If we control both sides, we can make gapless work.

--- End quote ---

This statement applies for MC in any case regardless of whether or not the actual PC hardware would be purchased from JRiver...

I would also not go for this kind of hardware.
In my opinion if JRiver wants to go hardware you should make "JRiver tweaked components". I'm maybe dreaming aloud as I don't know how hard it is to team up with "big-weights" or, what exactly licensing restrictions allows you to do or not, but I would more appreciate to see for example :
- a graphic card which is tweaked exclusively for HTPC use with perfect(!) refresh rates and/or exceptional components
- a hdmi audio (only) card
- an add-on soundcard (ie pass-through aka auzentech or xonar who would allow for DSD over HDMI bitstreaming.
- any hardware which would allow for more hi-fi like builds (why not a special case aka origen M10/M7) with an LCD working perfectly with JRiver - I mean format logo lighting up if you play DSD etc... (the case could be branded - actually If I'm not mistaking NAIM uses a special proprietary edition of the M10).

- on the software-side even if I remember Jim already stated his "not-interested"...I would love to see driver and add-ons allowing for better integration of a JRiver Machine into global remote systems aka RTI, crestron or AMX

Just my five cents

Well, audiophile world is picky, but 400-500 will not scare them if implemented right. Even an ugly and limited SimAudio Mind still selling for $1200!
AURALiC soon will release Aries Streamer - for $999.
Will new product be able to match up? Excluding "looks" ))


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