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JRiver Synapse -- Would you consider a $395 Audiophile DLNA Renderer?

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--- Quote from: JimH on March 05, 2014, 06:43:54 pm ---It's 8 no's (72%) and 3 maybe's right now.  I predict it will finish with two thirds maybe's.

--- End quote ---
I was wrong.  No's are 64% now.

So about 1/3 of our customers might be interested.

Many of our users already use an HTPC for this purpose.  In the wide, wide world, the percentage of people who use HTPC's is probably under 10%.

HDMI Split

Audiophiles are a tricky market. You probably won't get a type endorsement with the NUC because the unit has a fan that makes noise. So, while 400 is not expensive in that world, you might not hit the market because the unit doesn't match the prevailing views in that world (players need to be silent, no moving parts, plus dubious claims like great power supply makes a difference etc.)

For the rest of us, it's a bit pricey for audio. For $400 I'd build a low power HTPC with video capabilities. Or buy a 60 dollar network Blu Ray. Or get a chromecast for $35 bucks. Or a longer cable to reach the stereo for $20 dollars. The streaming market has changed a lot in the past year and its just cheaper to get in the door.

So you might consider shooting higher, or shooting lower. Here's two examples of opposite ends of that spectrum, a bundled JRiver package on either would be very interesting:  (custom linux os based on raspberry pi computer at about 60 bucks)  (Silent i3 fanless audio server at $1500 bucks)

Good luck and thanks for including us in the conversation!

Vincent Kars:
Here you have your bundled JRiver package:

Robert Joe:
I use JRiver for Cataloging and Browsing. I haven't found anything better. I used to have a HTPC but moved to a server in the office and streaming devices in the living room. Dune Player for Movies and Squeezebox Touch for Music. Zero maintenance and no big noisy box...

If this hardware was off the shelf with no mods to eliminate "noise" then I wouldn't buy it. However, I would be all over something like this running JRiver. I could once again have the power of JRiver/JRemote controlling playback.


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