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JRiver Synapse -- Would you consider a $395 Audiophile DLNA Renderer?

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ECS LIVA + USB DAC = a lot of bang for the buck.


--- Quote from: magnust on March 29, 2014, 02:25:02 pm ---ECS LIVA + USB DAC = a lot of bang for the buck.
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I thought of this topic as soon as I saw it announced, but I think people would expect analog audio outputs.


--- Quote from: 6233638 on March 06, 2014, 07:32:42 am --- I know that it's not something you are likely to pursue, and probably not even something there is really a market for, but I would pay at least a couple of hundred dollars for a physical remote if it was done right. As far as I can see, everything on the market is crap.
Apple and Sony are the only companies that seem to know how to build a good remote, but neither of them are programmable and capable of controlling other devices.

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That is not my experience. Harmony remotes have served us well over many years now in a fairly complex home cinema environment. If we have been let down, it has been by hardware manufacturers who tend to ignore the existence of programmable remotes.


--- Quote from: 6233638 on March 29, 2014, 04:04:47 pm ---I thought of this topic as soon as I saw it announced, but I think people would expect analog audio outputs.

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Well, you have the option to get analog audio out from the LIVA in lots of ways.

- Either by the built in 3,5mm analog output. Probably only worth it on cheaper hifisystems or "computerspeakers". And cheap headphones.

- Second alternative is adding one of all the available minute USB-stick DACS like the Audioquest DragonFly or M2Tech Hiface DAC, or just slightly larger physically Meridian Explorer, any HRT, nuForce and so on.

- Then again you could go all in and let the LIVA drive a high end DAC also.

- And finally, why not use the HDMI to let a integrated amp with hdmi in/outs do the output or possibly use future high end HDMI based DACS.

I like the idea of the LIVA as a really really inexpensive (small and fanless :D ) MC-based DLNA renderer (and control point if you have a tv/monitor).

I voted maybe.  I am getting into high res and dsd so I do not believe the current spec is going to cut it but hopefully there are plans to add support for better spec.  Couple of other things that are critical for me no dependencies on the X, if the system is head less there needs to be option to configure JRiver and external drives that is easy to use.  For folks comfortable in Linux it might not be difficult but for larger population it might better to provide web based management system similar to home routers and JRiver.  I am also hoping that the Linux version will support video over the next 6 months or so.


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