I gave MCEbuddy a go when it was in a previous form a while back when I used *shiver of revulsion* MCE. The move to MC for TV precluded the use of MCEbuddy as it was back then (from distant memory).
From what I know, the key to success is the ComSkip ini file:
https://mcebuddy2x.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Custom%20Comskip%20INI%27sand back then for the Australian scene I didn't get the best result. Here the regulation is not that well defined and / or enforced, so broadcasters (appear to me anyway) to transmit their shows in whatever way they like that makes consistent and accurate ad / show transition recognition very difficult. I suspect that the software will work well or not so well depending on how an individual broadcaster edits their shows. If the US works to a more predictable standard, then I'd expect that software like MCEbuddy will do very well.
I'm currently working with VideoReDo and glynor's cool piece of brilliance:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=76147.0I use this to scan for ads and then review the files that I want to keep and then select the cut points manually. An automatic option would be the holy grail but I'll retain a sense of scepticism along with an open mind. So, thanks, I'll look into this and see how I find it but my expectations are low. I'll report back when I've got an update worth sharing.
Cheers ..