What is the relationship of these buffer settings in Thesycon vs. "Large buffer" checkbox and buffer size in MC?
As far as I can tell, those settings don't have any effect with the Benchmark DAC2 driver.
Also interesting that the Thesycon buffers sizes don't seem to auto change based on what setting you choose, although you will at times get a warning if it is set too long.
I can see reasons why you might, or might not, want the settings to change automatically.
Having them change automatically would allow you to operate with a fixed latency, which would be useful in some scenarios.
I upsample all video to 192kHz in MC to operate with a fixed latency because the driver doesn't offer this option, for example.
It's easy to get caught out and select a latency which is too low to support the format that you want to play though, if the last thing you played was 44.1kHz.
The control panel could be a lot better in that regard, and it's the reason I posted that list.