Is there a way to do configure the audio analysis tool?
I had a huge disaster when I updated to MC19 and analysed my files again to reflect the update to the R128 algorithm. I use DJ software and MC replaced all the BPM values with its own analysis which were far less accurate. The DJ software uses beat-grids based on the BPM to keep songs in time and this was all radically changed causing endless hassles when mixing. Literally thousands of songs were changed and countless hours of work lost.
With hindsight, I should have considered this but didn't do so...
I have recommended MC on some DJ boards for file organisation and creating playlists. I would be loathe to do so again as this issue is huge to a DJ. I can only assume my advice was ignored by the other DJs as nobody was baying for my blood later.
Really, having BPM turned off by default would be a good idea, as I suspect those who make the most use of that feature, probably have better analysis options already.