Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

JRiver Id (the device formerly known as Synapse)

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--- Quote from: cncb on May 03, 2014, 10:57:36 am ---So, like Coke only the new one is actually better.

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I sure hope so, I have the original ID and it only saw the light of day a few times, just wasn't reliable enough unfortunately.

Heads up on Intel dropping the n2820 for a n2830 -

--- Quote ---Those in the market for a low-power Bay Trail NUC are warned: Intel has confirmed that it is holding inventory of the earlier N2820 models, and will deplete said inventory before shipping the upgraded revision to its customers. Coupled with retailers' own stock, it could be a while before the upgraded NUC kits actually start filtering into customers' hands.
--- End quote ---

mmmmm I see someone a Chicken has been playing with my sig  ;)  

You must always pay close attention.

 ;D  I need google glass!


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