Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

JRiver Id (the device formerly known as Synapse)

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--- Quote from: fitbrit on May 02, 2014, 06:07:03 pm ---1) I prefer the 'Synapse' name.

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I had been going back and forth.  I ended up asking Matt when he visited.  "Id", he said.  Id it is.  Or Ld.  Or 1d.

--- Quote ---2) $295 would be a great price for the hardware/software combo.

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We may make it.  

--- Quote ---3) Is the device capable of running Theater View in its current form? Or is it designed only for remote control from a tablet or other instance of MC?

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What Hendrik said.  Video and images, too.  The device is able to update itself.

Id: the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives.... It is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses...

Nothing can possibly go worng.

It's such a perfect nmae.


--- Quote from: Hendrik on May 02, 2014, 06:11:23 pm ---It runs MC Linux, so no theater view (yet).
Whenever Linux gets support for that, there is no reason it couldn't learn to do this.

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Thanks, Hendrik. I haven't been keeping up with Linux development, so I didn't know.

I'm tempted to buy one and swap out the SSD from the ID into my own NUC, which has lower specs, and would be a great music only device. Then I could run PC MC on the ID hardware. And Linux on mine.

Hmmmm... Maybe JRiver could sell SSDs with the software on them for people who want to choose their own hardware (within limits of what is compatible of course).


--- Quote from: JimH on May 02, 2014, 06:37:46 pm ---It's such a perfect nmae.

--- End quote ---

Id agree.


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