Networks and Remotes > Remotes

eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!

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--- Quote from: J-a-k-e on June 20, 2014, 11:15:15 pm ---I spent about 10 minutes playing around with the trial version & I like what I see. I appears you've built a nice looking & powerful interface, $4.99 seems a more than reasonable price.

One question which I suppose is more of a feature request: Are there any plans in the pipeline to to introduce playlist management? I'm thinking something where you can add to playlist on the fly much as you would add to playing now currently.

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Thanks for your comments J-a-k-e!

I don't have any plans to add modification of other playlists right now, but it should be possible in the future. I haven't worked with the playlist APIs yet, so it might take some time to figure out. I'll add it to the backlog, but I can't make any commitments on time!

I just posted the full, paid version of eos for Android to production in the Play Store! As with the free version it might take a few hours for the changes to propagate through Google's systems. Once it's available you'll be able to find it here:



Ha! I think I am the first :P You now have 1+ downloads. 8)

Figured I'd support your effort. Some days I spend more on lunch so what the heck. It's a very nice app! Thanks.

Then possibly I am the second. I believe there is a bug where the app will crash if you try to switch to playing now if you don't have anything loaded. Although I haven't managed to reproduce this as I can't see how to clear playing now once items are loaded.

...and I thought I was second!  I've submitted a few crash reports:
- I'm also seeing the playing now crash
- crash when trying to play a web stream from the library - eg (note: these play fine in Gizmo)

Other things:
- Video: (these could be a MC bug and I've summit this to the JR Folk), Videos do not finishing playing (stall on the last frame) and seeking does not work.  Also you don't have the correct duration shown.
- View is Empty:  I have added a view at the top level called (Radio and TV Stations - see pic) and while I can enter this view it appears empty in eos, yet similar entries under playlist is fine.
- Navigation:  This could be just me getting used to eos vs Gizmo, but I find:
  + Andriod Back button exists eos and does not take you "back"
  + When drilling down I prefer to see each category and select it (aka Gizmo), where in eos it selects and displays the contents of the first of each sub category.  You have to go the the Draw each time to change your selection.

It may be a confusion on my part but when speaking in the intercom thread about being able to push one steam to multiple tablets at once,

--- Quote from: randycw on June 19, 2014, 10:16:03 am ---I am a bit late on the update here, and I think I noticed you have posted on the thread regarding it anyway, but just in case:

The app is called Eos, and there is a thread started in the 3rd party forum.  I have really grown to appreciate the user interface and the features it has, like the zone linking.

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.... though I don't see each eos instance as a zone.

Looks good so far!


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