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Author Topic: Create a playback zone that doesnt increase number of plays  (Read 1018 times)


  • World Citizen
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Hi all I have a apparently obscure reason for wanting this .
Is it possible to have a specific zone where the number of plays
remains the same as it was before being played in the said zone.


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Re: Create a playback zone that doesnt increase number of plays
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 08:44:55 pm »

No, sorry.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Create a playback zone that doesnt increase number of plays
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2014, 05:55:38 pm »

What exactly are you trying to achieve, and how much manual work are you prepared to put into it?

A current solution requiring manual work would be as follows:
* Before starting a playback session, use the inbuilt tag copy function to copy all current playcounts to a user field. (If you're only using a subset of files, this will obviously be quicker. A few thousand files would be workable, more I don't know)
* After ending the playback session, copy all playcounts back.

There's *probably* a way to script the copying process and zone, but I think that would probably require using MCWS to launch the playback & change the zone.
MrChriz knows a lot more about scripting than I do, so with a little luck he may drop in :)

We may be able to come up with a better solution if you let us know what you're after though. Depending on what you want, this *may* work:
If the files you do not wish the playcount incremented for are uniquely identifiable (Genre, artist etc.), then a calculated field keyed off this is doable, but we really need the details to advise properly.



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Re: Create a playback zone that doesnt increase number of plays
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 04:13:25 pm »

Hi Leezer.
Thanks for the time put into your reply . and the offer to try and   help . I have copied this from another thread and discovered that it isn't possible.

"my general system for listening to my collection shuffling through my collection based on grouping numbers ( which i use instead of ratings , anything "rated " less than 3 is not included ) i used to do this via a massive
playlist however i have been enlightened and now use a smartlist which includes anything of a 3 or greater rating and anything with a play count of zero ( i reset all of the play counts first ) this means that no matter whether i am listening via gizmo ( remotely ) or locally i eventually come to the end of my list and repeat the process again and all the while new material i aquire and' rate " dynamically finds it way into my list as well.
Now heres my problem , Sometimes i want to put together a specific  mix or maybe listen to one or more  albums but if i do this using the above system it will be removed from my general listening smartlist and this
is where i need help"

So my thought was if this could somehow be acheived through zones i would output my shuffled smartlist and have it counted( and hence removed from my master smartlist ) but anything else specifically played ie( fav artist or album ) not affecting my smartlist.
I presently have accepted that the only way to acheive this is by keeping a separate library .
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