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Author Topic: Two Installs of MC19. Six (6) of 4400 files fail to import into library  (Read 1060 times)

Sky King

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Hello everyone.  Six files in a specific folder (Metallica and several subfolders in this case) fail to import.  The tags appear to be correct and the files play via VLC Media Player, etc.  The files are the first files in each of the album folders.  The remainder of the files import properly.  I can't seem to figure out what's wrong.  Any idea where to look?

Thanks and a happy Father's Day to those who celebrate it.

Sky King

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They are FLAC files as I don't run MP3s to the player.  Of the 300 or so albums, only 6 of the albums and the first song in in each of the six is affected.

I was able to "sneak up" on it with a resolution of sorts:  Delete the offending directory, Metallica, and the 7.6 GB of files.  Re-import the entire library without error, copy the directory back and then let JRiver auto-import the "new" albums.

Weird, but it appears to work.  I'll try searching the forum for any additional ideas.  Thanks for the reply and question! 


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Sounds like it might have been a file/folder permissions error if that fixed it.

Sky King

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Update:  Out of the blue and on a lark I did a search for *.cue files on the entire library share.  Coincidentally, the six album subdirectories that would not import the 1st song file properly, each had a .cue file in the directory.  Deleting those .cue files, removing the main library and then reimporting the library again worked perfectly.

I wonder how a .cue file could have caused this?  In any event, thanks to all who offered assistance!
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