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Author Topic: Help me design my audio network  (Read 2474 times)


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Help me design my audio network
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:00:09 am »

Hello people,
I'm thinking of upgrading my current set up and would appreciate feedback on what's important and where can I get most bang for the buck.

My set up is as follows:

Rpi (running JRiver) - optical cable - Chord Hugo DAC - Classe Cap 2100 integrated - B&W CM 10 speakers.

My network is as follows:

Gaming pc/NAS (when I get around to install it) - Ethernet cable (5m) - Asus AC66u router - ethernet cable (around 17m - goes to the Hifi room on the other end of the floor) - Asus AC87 router - ethernet cable 3m - Raspberry pi.

All the cables are vanilla Ethernet.

I tried using a few posh ether net cables between the RPi and the router - to me they sound the same - I may have a slight preference to the Chord C-stream (£45). I also tried some cheap cables which sounded a bit different so perhaps the better cables do make a difference.

My options are as follows:

1. Place 'proper' meicord Ethernet cables between the two routers (17m) and the last connection between the second router and my RPi (3m).

2. leave the cables as they are and get a linear PSU for the Rpi and the router in the Hifi room - perhaps use an audiophile Ethernet cable for the last 3m.

I wonder which set up will result in better SQ? Should I even be concerned about RF and EM noise if my DAC and RPi are connected via optical cable? What about Coax?

Will getting a linear PSU for the second router make a difference because noise can still come in through the first router and be picked up along the way by the 17m cable? Also that second router has 4 Wifi antennas (in use) - how 'quiet' can I get it to be?

Please share your thoughts,




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Re: Help me design my audio network
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2015, 07:25:06 am »

My thoughts are that Ethernet cables have nothing at all to do with sound quality. If you can hear a difference with expensive cables and you prefer that difference then stay with them. You could spend an awful lot of money buying different expensive cables and comparing them.

In my opinion, your money is better spent on the analogue side of things as these are the things that have the biggest effect on sound quality. So until you are certain that your speakers, amp etc are absolutely 100% perfect then don't bother trying to find better ehthermet cables. But I don't think you'll ever get to 100% satisfaction as there will always be something else to buy and try.

For example, consider reviews of speakers, amps etc. if Ethernet cables were important and coloured the sound so much, how can you trust the reviews of speakers?


  • World Citizen
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Re: Help me design my audio network
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2015, 07:39:07 am »

My thoughts are that Ethernet cables have nothing at all to do with sound quality. If you can hear a difference with expensive cables and you prefer that difference then stay with them. You could spend an awful lot of money buying different expensive cables and comparing them.

In my opinion, your money is better spent on the analogue side of things as these are the things that have the biggest effect on sound quality. So until you are certain that your speakers, amp etc are absolutely 100% perfect then don't bother trying to find better ehthermet cables. But I don't think you'll ever get to 100% satisfaction as there will always be something else to buy and try.

For example, consider reviews of speakers, amps etc. if Ethernet cables were important and coloured the sound so much, how can you trust the reviews of speakers?

Thanks Mate,
I agree with your approach - I never spend on cable(s) any amount that could be used to upgrade the 'real' kit. ATM I'm at a very good place kit wise and moving up to better speakers (for example) will cost many thousands - which I can't afford now.

It looks like I'll be replacing the Hugo with a Schiit Yggy - soon.

If we are talking about the analogue side of things - does that mean that a Linear PSU to the Pi and router would have an audio bale effect and would be a worthy upgrade?


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Re: Help me design my audio network
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2015, 07:55:40 am »

No idea I'm afraid, not familiar with them! Again I think it's something that's very subjective and you can only audition things to see if they make a difference. On the digital side, there are things that can be perfected, I.e. making sure the output is bit perfect, or adjusted to your preference, but analogue is an unknown quantity. This is only my opinion, it's probably not a popular opinion, but I think that if someone likes the way someone sounds then the next person may or may not like the same thing. There isn't any absolute definition of what is better that something else.
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