Ted Brady over on Computer Audiophile is singing the praises of doing DFF -> DSF conversions in MC. (Apparently in the "Convert to" format options under "Convert Format" on the Windows side there is "DSD" option which outputs DSF).
If you could implement this on the Mac side, and especially if in doing the conversion it does not strip commas from filenames as Audiogate does when it converts DFF files to DSF, I'd be very grateful. I'm doing a large archiving project and have several thousand DFF files to convert to DSF and import into MC via mpl files.
Alternatively, and more ambitiously, if you could implement features to extract dual and multichannel DSF files directly from ISOs without truncating frames at track ends as Mr. Wicked's sacd_extract seems to do, that would be even better. Retaining album folder groupings, of course.
But since you already offer DSF conversion on the Windows side, I'd love to see that soon, if possible.