DSP Studio Area Requests
I use the DSP area quite a bit with different effects in use for each active playlists (sometimes three or four running simultaneously). In addition to a few built-in DSP's I also use several VSTs. Each of these and the built-ins require different display area so if you bounce between DSP plugs frequently, the display can get a little tedious and confusing.
So this is a request for a few minor (I hope) changes that I think would help navigating between plugs.
1. When you change from one DSP to another, keep the one you switched to centered (or close) on the list displayed to the left. As it is now, it may or may not still appear without additional scrolling.
2. If you click right on the toggle box for a particular plug in, toggle its status but don't show it. I often want to hear the effect of a status change on plug A while camping visually on Plug D. If you click to the right of the box on the target plug (grey area), show it but don't toggle it. IOW, make Toggle and Show two separate things.
3. A PIN button somewhere in the DSP Studio window that will pin it open to the size it is when pinned, regardless of what plugin is then selected, and/or a size that is at least large enough to display all DSP selections on the left side. If pinned it would be remembered between MC runs, DSP Studio selects and across different playlists until unpinned or repinned.
Are these reasonable to implement?