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Author Topic: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp  (Read 3416 times)


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Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« on: June 12, 2014, 10:02:37 pm »

Good evening (or morning)
I am trying to two two things and I can't quite get it working right..

a)First off, is a smart list which lists "orphan" songs on albums - albums from which I have only one song - I just can't find a way to do that.
b)The second thing is a new view "by decade". I've tried a list view, pane view with Year/grouping 10 and that clearly didn't achieve the result I want. Can someone point me in the right direction? I've read the primers on this forum but couldn't find my answer in there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 12:36:46 am »

Morning Sugam,

An expression based pane using the expression: formatrange([date (year)],10)

Should give you a "Decades" pane (You will need to set the name yourself) as attached.

At it's heart, MC works at a file level, which means it's not really suited for returning things like "albums with x number of tracks". I believe that there may be a way to get at this, maybe by using variables and/or regex, but could be completely wrong about that as my grasp on these is extremely limited to non-existant. MrC, MarkH or Vagskal (hope I spelled that right) may be able to offer better advice...


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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 06:50:19 am »

Ahhh, thank you, that should work!

I actually did some SQL programming in the past so I figured there was a way to get any entries where the total of occurrences was less than X (let's say 3 songs or less on an album). Maybe I'll just need a custom view to do it "manually" but easier.


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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2014, 11:54:16 am »

For your (1), try this:

Create a Smartlist, name it Count Tracks per Album.  Hit the Import / Export button, and paste the following:

   [Media Type]=[Audio] -[Album Artist (auto)]=[/(Multiple Artists/)] [=1save(0,v_albumkey())]=1 [=1saveadd(v_albumkey(), 1)]=1

and OK your way out.

Now create a new View, perhaps of type File List, and click the Set rules for file display, and select a Rule of Playlists is any Counts Tracks per Album.  Now click the Add New Rule button, and select Custom, and paste into the empty area to the right of Custom:

   [=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1

and OK your way out.  At the top of the view tab, click the triangle, and select Group By > None.

You now have a list of all your singles for a given Album/Artist pairing, omitting Compilation Albums.

Note, you can also do this entirely in the Smartlist itself:

[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Album Artist (auto)]=[/(Multiple Artists/)] [=1save(0,v_albumkey())]=1 [=1saveadd(v_albumkey(), 1)]=1 [=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1 [=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1
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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 12:00:41 pm »

Excellent stuff MrC.

Getting at the info using a view scheme...

Create a category view using only one category, 'Album'....
By default, this will show as thumbnails. Use the view header menu to switch the view to 'Details', and sort the list by track #. In this view mode, "Track #" represents the total number of tracks for each album listed.


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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2014, 09:39:01 pm »

Wow, that's excellent, thank you so much.
I was close but couldn't get it quite working, thanks again.


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Re: Two custom view questions I can't quite grasp
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2014, 01:48:58 pm »

sorted, thanks

i'm getting better at variable, thanks to Mr C for a lot of help in this area!
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