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Author Topic: Few Queries  (Read 1013 times)


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Few Queries
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:08:05 pm »

 I am currently enjoying the JRiver trial; which I have just extended. I am currently 'auditioning' it against a few other products. My requirements are as follows:

Support for flac files - I'm fairly sure this is completely standard on everything except for iTunes.

Sync Libraries and play count across multiple computers - I have a home server which I store music on, I plan on having software installed on 2-4 computers. I would like the libraries and settings to remain syncronised between these, I would like to be able to add media to the server via the media center from any device.

Sync wirelessly to android device - This is ideal but not required.

Zone controlled playback from mobile app - Ideally I can browse the library on my phone then select a 'Zone' to play it in

Create custom view for songs that are not from a complete album, e.g. iTunes downloads - I assumed this would be fairly standard but it's actually causing me some problems in JRiver. Although there is the filter option for 'complete album' I have a few circumstances where 2 songs seem to constitute an entire album despite the fact that the meta data shows 15 tracks in the album. Presumably there is some way to change the criteria for what constitutes a complete album.

Queuing songs feature, add to queue and add to queue as next to play - Again probably fairly standard except for iTunes

Any comments greatly appreciated


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Re: Few Queries
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 01:36:37 pm »

FLAC support - yes

Library sharing across PC's - yes, but last time I looked it wasn't possible to add media from a client pc

Playback to zones from mobile (assume Android) app - yes, Gizmo will do this

Queuing songs - right click the song to access the playback menu

Hope this helps. I have ignored questions that I have no experience of.


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