Is it possible to disable the MJ database when it comes to storing tag data? I'd like to use only that tag data which is stored in the file. As it is now, if you modify a file's tag outside of MJ, MJ will not pick up on the change unless you 'update library' which is a hassle.
Also, MJ is still writing the MJMETADATA tag to files (ie. ogg ape/apl) when the tag is empty (or the tags within are empty). For OGG, the standard way of storing ReplayGain info is by using the RG_PEAK, RG_RADIO, RG_AUDIOPHILE tags but MJ doesn't do this, any plans to implement this?
And IMO there is no reason to put a 'rating' tag onto any file, that should be handled completely by the MJ database, since the rating only refers to your particular library of music and of no use to other audio players. IMO. Any comments?
MJ is still forcefully writing empty track and year tags in the form of track="0" or year="0" too. And you are also always forced to write a title tag. MJ is the best (only?!) mass tagger out there for OGG and APE/APL but these few quirks still prevent me from using it, really liking 8.0 though.