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Author Topic: Is this forum the place to ask about Harmony remote issues?  (Read 2055 times)


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Is this forum the place to ask about Harmony remote issues?
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:05:16 pm »

This is on MC 20.0.11. I have the Harmony 550 remote in one room (client #1 machine), and the Harmony Smart Hub remote using the "JRiver provided" HP IR receiver in a different room (client #2 machine).

With the Smart Hub remote on client #2, everything works except the remote's key-pad numbers will not change the Live TV channels. The key pad numbers work fine to jump around in the Movies listing.

On Client #1 using a standard universal Harmony remote, the number key pad works fine to jump to different live TV channels. So I have problem changing TV channels on client #2 machine.

Since the channel changing works okay on client 1, this tells me the MC software works. The installation is the same on both clients and they share the same library (on Server machine). Since the number key pad works on client 2 when in Theater View "Movies" this tells me the remote control works and the "number command" is recognized. I also see the IR receiver blink when I press a number on the key pad. It just won't change the TV channel.

Any ideas?


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Re: Is this forum the place to ask about Harmony remote issues?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 02:46:41 am »

What happens if you use the 550 on the #2 machine.
I assume you are using the native key commands in MC. (Key '1', Key '2', etc)
Have you tried to use something like nircmd to emulate actual keyboard functions to see if the result changes.


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Re: Is this forum the place to ask about Harmony remote issues?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 11:40:19 am »

Thanks for giving my problem some thought.

Your idea was great - but the 550 won't do anything on the client #2 machine. I suppose I could go into the Harmony 550 setup and make some changes for testing purposes.
It is odd that the 550 doesn't do anything. I would have though at least IR receiver light would blink.

When I use the Harmony Smart Hub on client 2, the remote sends a signal to the Hub then the Hub transmits via its IR transmitter a signal to the HP remote IR receiver.

I expected that the 550 remote would at least make the HP receiver blink, but it does nothing. I'm looking into your other suggestion and link.

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