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Author Topic: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer  (Read 2694 times)


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problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:04:37 am »

I have my output ( WASAPI )  going to a Yamaha Rx2020 receiver via HDMI, its usage is a surround sound for the HT, I have tried to get my Yamaha to send through the preouts and the analog outs ( RCA 's ) to my 2 channels system of a preamp, CD, turntable & hopefully JRiver audio ( 2 channel ) but I have not been able to accomplish this, preamp has RCA, Coaxial and balanced inputs, no HDMI or USB, any suggestions as to how I can do this?


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 12:15:49 pm »

Should I add an audio card to the computer, what would you recommend - that would give the good sound?


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 12:24:18 pm »

what is your audio chain?

you have HDMI out to an AVR, which you use for surround.  does it work?
what is your pre-amp setup?
what outputs does your internal sound card have now?

i use HDMI out to an AVR for multichannel, and my sound card (ASUS Essence STX) has optical out to the same AVR for 2 channel (or DTS multichannel) and also RCA outs that i use for a small desktop computer stereo (2 channel) as well as a headphone out.  i also use a USB out to a desktop DAC/Amp for a nice headphone setup

everything is controlled through zones, and it's easy to setup in MC....i just don't quite understand your audio chain and what part isn't working


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 01:15:50 pm »

The HDMI to the Yamaha RX-A2020 works fine for the 7.1 surround system ( monitor audio rx silver series & Panasonic 50"plasma- sounds great, but I have no audio cards in my Dell XPS 8700 computer that I am using as the HTPC, disabled the dell audio system and the windows system and setup the WASAPI output on the HDMI. Can't seem to get the Yamaha to send any out put though any other normal means ( preouts or analog out ) - my other sound system is what I listen to the majority of the time, Cary tube amp, Daton preamp ( balanced ins and outs ) Basis turntable, Cary CD player. Inputs on the Jaton are balanced , RCA's and Coaxial, and as the Yamaha surround amp isn't passing signal through I guess I need to add an audio card for this 2 channel system - good sized library of 20K songs - suggestions?


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2014, 09:37:31 pm »

not sure my problem is clear - I can't get 2 channel sound for my second system in the same room using Dahlquist DQ10's as my speakers ( not hooked up to the Yamaha receiver , only connected to the Jaton preamp and the Dahlquists- what if I was only using J Rivers for a 2 channel sound system only - no Yamaha receiver for surround or video for playback - only lossless flac, alac, ape & wav files, would you want to add an audio card or possibly a USB digital to analog converter or some other way to bring the sound the Jaton preamp- looking for help as I made the switch to a digital library and have never used computers as my main source for audio.


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2014, 09:48:33 pm »

I am not sure if your Yamaha will take your HDMI input and route it to analog output. I would suggest a DAC, or sound card (but it seems a DAC would be appropriate for the rather nice system you have) connected to your PC for your 2 channel audio. You can the set up "Zones" in MC to output to the HDMI (for anything other than 2 channel audio) or DAC depending on what is currently playing. I don't believe I still have a clear understanding of what you really want when everything is said and done.

If(IsEmpty([Coffee Cup]), Coffee, Drink)


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 10:54:02 pm »

I would get a sound card (like my essence STX) that has optical and RCA out.  That will feed your preamp and you can control it through jriver with zones


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 05:56:32 am »

Your Yamaha works because there is an on board DAC inside. The Jaton doesn't. You need a DAC in the chain.

As Ferday said you would set up two zones (or more, one step at a time ;) ) one of the HDMI conection the other for a connection that is dependant on the hardware you choose.  Your system seems interesting might merit an external DAC. What ever you choose for your output connections (USB async, optical, even balanced coax with an external DAC which I think your Preamp has inputs for), would have to be configured in Windows like for the HDMI and in the new zone in MC.

If you get an external DAC, you won't need an additional sound card for a second 2 channel system. If you want to use the balanced inputs there are sound cards that support balanced outputs but they are not cheap (Lynx, Steinberg etc.), there are good externals for the same price or lower. The ASUS card is good, but you would probably just go Toslink (@Ferday don't think it is USB asyncronous dac?) and very reasonably priced. 


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2014, 10:41:05 pm »

I have bought an ASUS Xonar Essense STX card and set up a second zone ( thanks I had no idea of zones ) , so I now have 2 separate systems working, one for movies and the 2nd just for 2 channel sound - still need to fix minor problem in the 2 channel system with assigning channels on the ASUS card and getting the output to reflect the type of file its really playing ( everything shows up in the info screen as 320 even when I play a flac or WAV file ) - thanks to all who helped with the ASUS card suggestion and zone usage.


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Re: problem setting up 2 sound systems/1 computer
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2014, 10:19:41 am »

Great ... glad it all worked out for you :)
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