Generally happy with the results, but I am seeing a couple of ongoing problems:
-- There is a high frequency of getting a tagging error message message from one track. So far, I have been able to fix this by re-ripping the track. Generally it is the first track on the CD, but there has been one instance of it being the second and another the third. However, so far it is only one of the tracks on the CD. This most often happens when I have finished ripping one CD and am moving on to subsequent disks...
-- Also, I am finding that multiple rips are at best awkward to do. Once a disk is finished and I eject it, MC20 does not pick up the newly inserted disk. I have have to close out all the rip panes and go back to the action pane and re-open the rip disk process. And sometimes even that doesn't work so I have to close MC20 and reopen it. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the process, but this seems awfully clunky. I would like to see I simple "rip another disk" button so the process is clear.
While I am on the subject: would be good if MC19 had an "eject disk" button or right-click function. Also would like to see an ability to edit the downloaded online disk/trade database info before it gets applied to the tracks in MC20. Yes, I can fix this through editing the tags, but would love to save a step.
OS X 10.9.5 -- Internal superdrive on mid-2010 27" iMac