I just want to complain.
On one of my Windows boxes, for reasons passing understanding, iTunes now won't update. It won't update through the updater wizard, which seems to happen frequently, but usually I can download the installer and just do it manually.
But that's broken too. It updated fine on other machines, of course, but this one is all borked up. I'm reasonably sure it has something to do with their crazy Device Detection service which seems to like to bork itself all up (because it is doing something wholly unnatural in Windows).
Sigh... I guess I'm uninstalling it and rebooting and reinstalling again, and probably manually removing things from AppData, and if I'm very unlucky, getting RegEdit out (again) just to be able to occasionally sync Audiobooks to my wife's phone. Normally I wouldn't care about an iTunes update, but this one is required for iOS 8 to sync right.
Stupid iTunes.