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Author Topic: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter  (Read 40611 times)

Mike Noe

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openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:37:55 pm »

MediaCenter tested on 12.3/13.1/Tumbleweed

1.  Fresh install your system and/or continue to YAST and get latest updates, using YAST
2.  Search for libX11, make sure libX11-6-32bit is installed
3.  Search for libasound, make sure libasound-32bit is installed

See the post below for instructions on creating an RPM with alien and then installing the resulting RPM.

If using an AMD HDMI GPU (R600g/RadeonSI) for sound output device, you will be limited to 2-ch 16/48 playback up to kernel 3.13 unless the sound fixes are back-ported.

Edit:  remove ref to libcurl
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 04:14:19 pm »

Installation of 19.73 MC as rpm with zypper ( openSUSE 13.1 RC2)

The advantage over the method by hand: Media Center can easily uninstall via Yast. Then convert the new version and install it as described below. All data and settings are preserved.
Unfortunately Yast breaks the installation because of the lack of (CURL_OPENSSL_3).
I have searched the whole web for this file and found nothing. is installed.

1 Install alien
2 Install rpm_build

Installation: Both packages can be installed with Yast .
If the repositories are not configured , you can also install the two packages from

or simply :

Code: [Select]
sudo zypper install rpm-build and

Code: [Select]
sudo zypper install alien
Conversion of deb package in rpm

Your name @ linux- UN15 : ~ / Downloads >
Code: [Select]
sudo alien -r Media Center 19.0.73.deb
root 's password:

mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386.rpm generated
Your name @ linux- UN15 : ~ / Downloads >


then :

Your name @ linux- UN15 : ~ >
Code: [Select]
su -

UN15 - linux : ~ #
Code: [Select]
zypper install -f / home/Your name/Downloads/mediacenter19-19.0.73.i386.rpm

Loading repository data ...
Reading installed packages ...
Forcing installation of ' mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386 ' from repository ' plain RPM files cache' .
Resolving package dependencies ...

Problem : nothing Provides ( CURL_OPENSSL_3 ) needed by mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386
 Solution 1 : do not install mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386
 Solution 2 : break mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [ 1/2/c ] ( c ): 2
Resolving dependencies ...
Resolving package dependencies ...

The Following Following NEW package is going to be installed :

1 new package to install .
Overall download size : 31.1 MiB . After the surgery, additional 139.2 MiB will be used.
Continue? [ Y / n / ? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386 ( 1/1) , 31.1 MiB ( 139.2 MiB unpacked )
Retrieving package mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 - 2.i386 ( 1/1) , 31.1 MiB ( 139.2 MiB unpacked )
( 1/1) Installing : mediacenter19 - 19.0.70 -2 .................................... .. [done ]

After the Installation:

Media Center imported some of my songs (10 000 for testing) without problems. Media Center plays flac, wav and mp3.

All icons are available, but the graphical interface hardly works.
The drop down menus of the main menu bar are transparent and hard to read.
Furthermore, the sub-menus lose focus into Nirvana.
Tagging is not possible. Clicking on a field, it loses the focus to somewhere.

Now you can move the Window with mouse without "ALT".
Zooming the window is difficult because it only happens with a very long delay and with much flicker.
The mouse pointer does not change. You do not know if you've reached the correct position for moving or zooming.

But I think this is all known.

With the release of openSUSE 13.1 in 8 days, I bury Windows as the main operating system for 28 years.
Two virtual machines with Windows still run on OpenSUSE 13.1:
One for the mediacenter 19 and one for home banking.
I hope JRiver does its job well - as good as in "Windows Media Center".

But I'm sure that this happens. Thanks already for the beginning!...

Debian Testing x64 (multiarch) Xfce
TEAC UD-H01 - Yamaha A-S1000 /
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Mike Noe

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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 07:00:21 pm »

Bravo!  Thx.
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
(optionally) VonSchweikert VR8s


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Install MC in a local directory and make it switchable between versions:
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2014, 02:11:15 pm »

1. Create a local installation directory, where you like to install MC.
2. Download or use an existing installation file like "MediaCenter-19.0.94.deb"
3. Extract the file using the option "extract here, autodetect subdirectories"
4. Repeat this for the datafile in the newly created directory "MediaCenter-19.0.94".
5. Now, you create a link at a convinient place (Desktop etc) to the directory "MediaCenter-19.0.94"
    and rename it MediaCenter-19.
6. In the /usr/lib/jriver create a link to your local link "/home/>yourplace>/MediaCenter-19/usr/lib/jriver".

After you download a new version, you follow steps 1 ..4 and you have a new directory eg. MediaCenter-19.0.102.
To switch versions, you just need to open the properties of your link created in step 5. and change the option
"Points to: eg:"/home/udo/Local_Work/MediaCenter-19.0.94" to "/home/udo/Local_Work/MediaCenter-19.0.102".
Now, you can keep the last versions and switch by just changing the last digits of your linklocation at you destop or wherever you placed it.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2015, 08:20:25 am »

Hi guys,

I'm not sure if anyone tested the latest version 20.0.50 on openSUSE, however I just tried the manual install(unpack and copy to /usr) and I am getting a segmentation fault when I try to run it. I am running opensuse13.2 on KDE. Anybody got the same issue?

Is there anyway I can collect additional logs ? It doesn't complain for any missing dependencies, it just spits out seg fault and closes.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I have checked and installed all dependencies from the posts here. Alsa is installed and running, X is up and running with proprietary AMD. Tested the same without the fglrx driver and on a work station running 13.2 with nouveau driver(no proprietary).

Kind Regards,


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2015, 04:32:33 pm »

I've just installed 20.0.50 on OpenSUSE 13.1.  Install went fine(ish).  When launching the program, GUI woudln't show until I maximized it.  That is fine by me, as I always run MC maximized anyhow.  Import of 11K songs went fine.
Playback failed miserably.  All my music files are mp3, and playback gives error message:
Playback cannot be started on the output ALSA using the format '44.1KHz 2ch'.  The output may not be supported by your hardware.  You can use DSP studio to change the output to a compatible format.
MP3 plays just fine on the same machine using Amarok.

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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2015, 05:43:28 am »

I've just installed 20.0.50 on OpenSUSE 13.1.  Install went fine(ish).  When launching the program, GUI woudln't show until I maximized it.  That is fine by me, as I always run MC maximized anyhow.  Import of 11K songs went fine.
Playback failed miserably.  All my music files are mp3, and playback gives error message:
Playback cannot be started on the output ALSA using the format '44.1KHz 2ch'.  The output may not be supported by your hardware.  You can use DSP studio to change the output to a compatible format.
MP3 plays just fine on the same machine using Amarok.

  • Linux 3.11.10-21-desktop x86_64
    VERSION="13.1 (Bottle)"
    PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64)"

Hi, I'm running 12.3 and it did the same. I  set the output for resample to 48000 and it runs fine. This is only for the standard device, I use a Bose soundlink as a second playback device. This takes the 44100 as well.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2015, 06:34:30 am »

Thanks UdoS
Testing misc settings on output resampling, and also changing output device to "sysdefault:CARD=PCH[ALSA]" solved it for me.  I ended up with a different resampling than what you got.
It seems to me that the developers have some work to do on these issues.  If playback is dependent on this level of user interaction, I'm afraid that a lot of users will give up.  Advanced user interaction is OK to achieve optimal sound, but at least some level of sound should be expected from the software as it is installed.
I don't know to what level the developers keeps their eyes on this forum.   


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2015, 01:59:37 pm »

Thanks UdoS
Testing misc settings on output resampling, and also changing output device to "sysdefault:CARD=PCH[ALSA]" solved it for me.  I ended up with a different resampling than what you got.
It seems to me that the developers have some work to do on these issues.  If playback is dependent on this level of user interaction, I'm afraid that a lot of users will give up.  Advanced user interaction is OK to achieve optimal sound, but at least some level of sound should be expected from the software as it is installed.
I don't know to what level the developers keeps their eyes on this forum.   
This topic has come up again and again.
MC will not let ALSA resample. It does it's own resampling. Other programs don't let you control this.
Either use a hardware device (ie front: blah blah) or turn on DSP studio resampling (usually everything needs to be set to 48k for the system mixer to handle it).


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 02:31:24 am »

Thanks for sharing the information.

I've tried your instructions with latest OpenSuse 13.2 and latest Mediacenter20.
libcurl4 is already installed in my system, so I've had only to convert .deb to .rpm.

When running mediacenter20, I have this problem:

Code: [Select]
dd@linux-nqcx:~/Downloads> mediacenter20
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Found 0 devices (devices will be listed below)

My system is 64 bits.
Here is the simple solution:
Code: [Select]
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/pkcs11/
 :) :) :) :)

Installation of 19.73 MC as rpm with zypper ( openSUSE 13.1 RC2)

The advantage over the method by hand: Media Center can easily uninstall via Yast. Then convert the new version and install it as described below. All data and settings are preserved.
Unfortunately Yast breaks the installation because of the lack of (CURL_OPENSSL_3).
I have searched the whole web for this file and found nothing. is installed.

1 Install alien
2 Install rpm_build


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2015, 10:50:11 am »

Just a note, MC doesn't use an external curl library or libssl anymore so you can drop that from your list of requirements.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2015, 04:18:22 pm »

Hi, I am glad to say that thanks to some valuable hints here install on 64bit Suse13.1 w Gnome went quite effortlessly (v20.0.57) couple days ago.

Just needed to find correct Audio Device, no fiddling with output format. Sample rate output is stable "no change" up to 352,800Hz.

Only drawback was with 'segfault' stuff right after I touched video menus at the left pane. Got rid of it after erased library folder and generated new library without including video folders. My primary goal was on stereo anyway so no big deal, if its video side develops further it's just a bonus.
Working well ever since.

So stage one completed and hopes are high, have plans to upgrade Suse to 13.2 soon. If MC works as well under that too, I may replace my long time favorite suse default media player with that.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2015, 05:17:23 am »

Hi guys,

I'm not sure if anyone tested the latest version 20.0.50 on openSUSE, however I just tried the manual install(unpack and copy to /usr) and I am getting a segmentation fault when I try to run it. I am running opensuse13.2 on KDE. Anybody got the same issue?

Is there anyway I can collect additional logs ? It doesn't complain for any missing dependencies, it just spits out seg fault and closes.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I have checked and installed all dependencies from the posts here. Alsa is installed and running, X is up and running with proprietary AMD. Tested the same without the fglrx driver and on a work station running 13.2 with nouveau driver(no proprietary).

Kind Regards,

Hi George,

I have exactly the same problem on Opensuse 13.2. All dependencies are there, but MC20 exits with a segmentation fault.
Did you ever find out how to solve this?

Kind regards,


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2015, 05:14:28 pm »

Hi George,

I have exactly the same problem on Opensuse 13.2. All dependencies are there, but MC20 exits with a segmentation fault.
Did you ever find out how to solve this?

Kind regards,

I had absolutely no trouble doing this with 13.2 i386 and the i386 debian for MC linux.

Your issues likely have to do with 64 bit. You will probably not be able to use the 64 bit version of MC since it requires many more dynamic libraries than the 32 bit version.
You will need to find out which libraries you are missing.
ldd -d on all of the .so files underneath /usr/lib/jriver and on /usr/bin/mediacenter until you find the trouble. Most likely it's in JRReader.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2015, 10:46:45 am »

Check here for the MC AMD64 build library dependencies:


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2015, 09:53:25 am »

Hi Bob,

Thanks for helping!
It seems (ldd -d) everything is there, except there is a problem with p11-kit:
ldd -d gives a lot of ' undefined symbol' messages.
p11-kit is installed on my system, indeed 64 bit.

Is there any way to solve that?

Kind regards,


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2015, 10:35:42 am »


I just downloaded and installed everything related to p11 from Yast.

Now the segmentation fault is gone; instead I get:
* a Mediacenter 20 item in the taskbar at the bottom, can't do anaything with it
* (when starting from a command shell):
Found 0 devices (devices will be listed below)

Total time: 2 ms
results: 0

* When starting from the MC20 icon:
a window saying:
This database will be starting in read-only mode
Any changes will be lost when the program exits

However, playing around a bit I eventually got MC20 running.
Don't know what happened, but so far so good.
Hope it will satabilize somehow...

Thanks again,

Mike Noe

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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2015, 11:21:09 am »

I can't get past the segfault....which repos did you get the p11 stuff from?

edit:  (x86-64) Looks like the issue on TW is gnutls.  The repo and all pkgs I've found so far are abi > 3 and it looks like MC wants abi 2.4 (v2.12)
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
(optionally) VonSchweikert VR8s


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2015, 05:20:20 am »


I'll check; may take a while, until next weekend I hardly am close to the computer.
Anyway, by heart, it is a fresh install fully updated 13.2 64 bits, all repo's just the default for Opensuse and pacman.
So far MC works fine, also after reboot, so it seems to be stable now.
As stated, I checked all boxes in Yast's software manager related to p11 with one exception, there was one complaining about something I don't remember.
Had something to do with trusted/not trusted certifications; I skipped that one.
Before my first post I already installed all packages related to missing lbraries (.so's) indicated by MC. There were just a few, don't remember which ones, sorry!

If you can tell me how to find which package comes from where I will post that later.



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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2015, 01:23:46 pm »

I can't get past the segfault....which repos did you get the p11 stuff from?

edit:  (x86-64) Looks like the issue on TW is gnutls.  The repo and all pkgs I've found so far are abi > 3 and it looks like MC wants abi 2.4 (v2.12)

If you stick with the 32 bit build you don't need gnutls26 otherwise you will need to get it somehow.


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2015, 02:06:41 am »

Hi again,

What might or might not be relevant (I am by no means a linux specialist) but maybe it helps somehow:
As MC did not work yet, I installed Kodi and as I forgot that is was renamed I started with looking in Yast software manager for xbmc.
Especially the last installed an awful lot of small packages (>1000).
Your missing libraries might be somewhere in there....


Mike Noe

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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2015, 05:36:12 pm »

If you stick with the 32 bit build you don't need gnutls26 otherwise you will need to get it somehow.

yep, it's the only thing needed....I found some code, can't get it to compile yet....32bit continues to work fine and I got sidetracked with an old Hammer Dynamics Super12 project.....  ;)
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
(optionally) VonSchweikert VR8s


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2015, 03:07:20 am »

I'm using latest OpenSuse Leap 42.1, and I cannot find the alien package.
Any help please?

Installation of 19.73 MC as rpm with zypper ( openSUSE 13.1 RC2)

The advantage over the method by hand: Media Center can easily uninstall via Yast. Then convert the new version and install it as described below. All data and settings are preserved.
Unfortunately Yast breaks the installation because of the lack of (CURL_OPENSSL_3).
I have searched the whole web for this file and found nothing. is installed.

1 Install alien
2 Install rpm_build

Code: [Select]
sudo zypper install alien

Mike Noe

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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2015, 02:02:20 pm »

Add this repository:

Leap Utils

zypper in alien
openSUSE TW/Plasma5 x86_64 | Win10Pro/RX560
S.M.S.L USB-DAC => Transcendent GG Pre (kit) => Transcendent mono OTLs (kit)
(heavily modded) Hammer Dynamics Super-12s (kit)
(optionally) VonSchweikert VR8s


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2015, 02:10:07 am »

It works as a charm!!   :) :)

Add this repository:

Leap Utils

zypper in alien


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2016, 05:59:20 pm »

I tried this and works great, thanks for the effort.
I don't know if this apply to ubuntu/debian (I'm on opensuse) but, the utf-8 chars shows like a square (A lot of my music/videos has japanese/chinese characters)



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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2016, 03:27:55 pm »

I tried this and works great, thanks for the effort.
I don't know if this apply to ubuntu/debian (I'm on opensuse) but, the utf-8 chars shows like a square (A lot of my music/videos has japanese/chinese characters)

Choose a different font (one of the unifonts that has Asian characters).


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Re: openSUSE 12.3+ Setup for JRiver MediaCenter
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2019, 04:02:01 pm »

anyone know if i can import a local network NAS folder to the main library?  I tried adding a folder but it would only seem to allow me to select folders actually on rasberry pi but nowhere to go onto network folders. 
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