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Author Topic: There is a noise (bzzzzzz) on the right channel of my speakers. Please HELP  (Read 2194 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I started noticing a noise, like a bzzzzz on my equipment right speaker when I play music on my MC library.
I have done several experiences to understand the problem:
First I used my CEntrance Dac Mini, a DAC that I trust a lot, and the problem was there. I replaced it by an Halide one, and the same.
I recently (one week ago) I bought an excellent Peachtree Audio DAC I and the sound is wonderful, but the noise is still there.
Second I switched the computer, to see if something could be wrong with the USB ports, but the problem is the same.
Third I checked if I had the latest version of Media Center 20 and it installed by itself when I was prepared to do it.
Third I switched the speakers, The problem persisted.
I changed the USB cables and nothing.
Then I played a CD on the same system (integrated amp) and the problem was solved.

I think I have to conclude that something is wrong with JR Media Center, but I don't know where to look.
The noise is small, not a hum, more the noise of a bee, but a small one, but enough to disturb my listening and my mind.
I almost forgot: the problem is the same wit ripped CDs through MC or imported from HD Tracks.

Can someone help?

Kind regards,



  • Galactic Citizen
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Try any other music player - foobar, mediamonkey, iTunes...


  • Galactic Citizen
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Thanks, Andy.
I have Media Center since several years ago without any problem.
And the same with version 19.
I could follow your suggestion, but I will never give up MC and after all the tests that I have made, I am quite sure that the problem is there.
Anyway, all my files n are now on a Nas and I don't know how and in FLAC and I don't know how to play them on iTunes and had once Foobar, but I didn't like it. But the proof is there when I played several CD on a CD player. without any problem.



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if the WDM process is "on" (ie JRiver set up in Windows "sound" as the default) in your setup you may want to disable it.  see a thread re. WDM.  i disabled it on my HTPC as IMO it was causing "odd" behaviour (including the occassional bzzzzz you reference, etc. etc.)


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Thanks, Andy.
I have Media Center since several years ago without any problem.
And the same with version 19.
I could follow your suggestion, but I will never give up MC and after all the tests that I have made, I am quite sure that the problem is there.
Anyway, all my files n are now on a Nas and I don't know how and in FLAC and I don't know how to play them on iTunes and had once Foobar, but I didn't like it. But the proof is there when I played several CD on a CD player. without any problem.


He suggested trying another program to test whether the buzz is coming from your software environment generally or JRiver specifically.  Foobar is a free player, and if it also exhibits the buzz that suggests the problem is not with JRiver, but somewhere more general.  You've done quite a bit of hardware differential testing, but no software differential testing and it's just as important.

You said your CD player is integrated into your amplifier (or you have a standalone cd player plugged into an integrated amp?).  Either way it's really not an apples to apples test; that just suggests that the problem is not in the amp output or the speakers, but doesn't say where it is otherwise. The problem could still be several places other than JRiver:

It could be:

1) Some of the amp's analog inputs are not making good electrical contact or are faulty (the most common source of mystery buzz), an integrated CD player (or a cd player plugged into different inputs) would bypass the faulty inputs.  An easy test: try waggling the input cables at the amp connector and see if the buzz changes pitch or intensity.
2) There's noise on the powerline you plug your computer(s) into.
3) You're getting line noise from interconnecting several unbalanced or poorly grounded components (which would explain why it goes away when you remove several components from the chain)

I'd strongly recommend you test playback on the computer with different software (Foobar is good because it's free), just as a test;  otherwise you're going to waste a lot of time hunting for a buzz in JRiver that might not be in JRiver.


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if the WDM process is "on" (ie JRiver set up in Windows "sound" as the default) in your setup you may want to disable it.  see a thread re. WDM.  i disabled it on my HTPC as IMO it was causing "odd" behaviour (including the occassional bzzzzz you reference, etc. etc.)

OP is describing an ongoing steady-state buzz in one speaker: did you get a steady-state buzz (in one or both speakers) from the WDM driver?

If so, you should open up a thread on that because I don't think anyone's reported anything other than a few short blips when it starts up (because of the way it has to "catch up" to real-time audio).  If it's introducing strange noises throughout playback (as opposed to in the first few seconds) that's something you/we should try to run down.

If not, then I think you're describing something different.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Hi Emwillems:
I have changed the amplifier signal from left to right and the opposed and the noise is related to the output. If I switch the speakers connection, the noise goes just one - left or right according to the connection. I means that it is channel related and not speaker. The same happens if I switch the signal cables that come from the DAC.
My CD player is a sole CD player and I have to connect it to the same CD input of the amplifier, once at a time. As there is no noise, it means that the amplifier is working well. And yes, there is no short blips when it starts up.
Kind regards,


  • Galactic Citizen
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Hi again, Mwillems:

Just to explain a little more, I already checked all the connections and they are all right. The cables are first rate, with the terminals with the possibility of making the connections very tight, screwing the outside of the terminals.
The mains were specially designed for hi end music systems.
Concerning Foobar, can you explain how can I connect it to my Sinology NAS where I have now most of my music? I keep about 1000 CDs, but they are not at home anymore. However I still have about 50 with me.
Thanks a lot by your support.



  • MC Beta Team
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Concerning Foobar, can you explain how can I connect it to my Sinology NAS where I have now most of my music? I keep about 1000 CDs, but they are not at home anymore. However I still have about 50 with me.
Thanks a lot by your support.


I assume your computer has access to your NAS?  If so, you should be able to browse to the files using windows explorer and open them using foobar by right-clicking and using "open with."  You could also (just for a test) try copying one album from your NAS to your computer and play it locally in foobar. 


  • Galactic Citizen
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I will do that, but I have no time right now.
I will let you know as soon as I have done the experience.
But let me tell another thing that happened and I forget to report.:
This morning, at a certain time, the sound became much worst. I switched off MC and there was an upgrade starting. It went until the end and it was much better- only the speaker little "bzz".
Yesterday, I tried to download the last version and it failed three times and I gave up. Until today, when the update started automatically and the sound improved.
Does this tell you something?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: There is a noise (bzzzzzz) on the right channel of my speakers. Please HELP
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2014, 12:39:08 pm »


Good news!... I have shouted down MP and downloaded it again. Problem solved, no more noise so far.
What could have been?

Best regards,

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