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Author Topic: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS  (Read 2629 times)


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Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:25:48 am »

Hi -

I have JRiver, whitebear and LMS running together. If I load the LMS library in JRiver, I can drag a track to the player and it plays fine. If However I drag the track to my physical renderer which is on the same network it won't play. It seems to load the file but then never plays (even if I press the play button).

I have tried this with several different renderers and nothing seems to work.

The renderers play tracks fine from the JRiver Library.

I attached two log files, one which is successful (from JRiver Library -> Renderer) and a fail (from LMS (via Whitebear) library -> Renderer).

The tracks I'm trying to play are the same, from the same source. 

This is driving me nuts. I can't really work out the loge files. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

So to recap:
JRiver Library -> Render = Success   (Log file attached)
JRiver Library -> JRiver player = Success

WhiteBear (LMS) Library -> Render = Failed  (Log file attached)
WhiteBear (LMS) Library -> JRiver Player = Success

Twonky Library (from JRiver) -> Render = Failed


Please help!



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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 11:27:06 am »

Oh, that's a fun one...

..indeed it is probably the ultimate killer configuration, because there is so much going on:

File System (library) => LMS (library) => Whitebear (browser) => MC (library) => MC (controller/server) <=> Whitebear (renderer) <=> LMS (controller/server) <=> Squeezebox

( where => is one way traffic and <=> is two way traffic )

And either a) the File System, b) LMS and Whitebear, and c) MC are on different PCs (in which case you may have LAN bandwidth or routing issues), or alternatively they are on the same PC (in which case you may have CPU horsepower issues, especially if the original file format requires transcoding along the way). Either way it is seriously heavy.

Personally I would take out some intervening steps as follows:

File System (library) => MC (library) => MC (controller/server) <=> Whitebear (renderer) <=> LMS (controller/server) <=> Squeezebox

Plus this: (but only if you really need it)

File System (library) => LMS (library) <=> LMS (controller/server) <=> Squeezebox

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2014, 04:39:10 pm »

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Andrew - nothing in the logs you can see?

Lots to take in. The server is a bit of a power house, 3.4 i7 16 gb ram.

I've tried it with twonkly as the library and I get the same results via mc. The only difference I can see is
A. It's a URL in the XML rather than a fil path
B. it states 0 bit depth, rather than 16 or whatever.

Are other people using it in this way and getting it to work?

I'll try out the combinations and get back to you.



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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2014, 04:59:26 am »

A. It's a URL in the XML rather than a fil path

Yes, that is the crux of the matter: MC can only serve / play tracks in the following combinations

  • Source: file system => Destination: local DAC => Supported
  • Source: remote url => Destination: local DAC => Supported
  • Source: file system => Destination: remote UpnP renderer => Supported
  • Source: remote url => Destination: remote UpnP renderer => NOT Supported

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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2014, 10:49:35 am »

Andrew -

Thanks for the clarity. That's a real shame. I'm not sure if I'm asking the right person here, but are there any plans to resolve this in the near future.


WhiteBear, being able to expose other libraries as file system IF they are local to the server?



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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2014, 03:31:32 am »

Hi Andrew / JimH

If Source: remote url => Destination: remote UpnP renderer => NOT Supported is not supported. Is a soundcard input supported?

I have a virtual sound cable input coming into JRiver, but I when I link it too the render it does not play anything. It states there is nothing to play. Is there a way of pushing the SC audio input to the render?
Thanks in advance,


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Re: Using External Renders with JRiver / WhiteBear / LMS
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2014, 05:37:53 am »


Have a look in this forum and in the Wiki concerning "WDM driver"..
Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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