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Author Topic: JRemote caused MC and MS Windows and my Receiver to crash (really) !!  (Read 1708 times)


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This is admittedly a very infrequent bug, but it was a real PITA, so I am reporting it here anyway..

I had JRemote running as top level application on my iPad, when the battery ran low and IOS displayed its modal dialog warning me to plug in the charger. At this point MC totally froze up and stopped playing music and responding to user commands on the IR remote. And since MC was in DisplayView I could not return MC to normal view and so I could not regain control of the regular Windows user interface on the PC, (so I could not manually terminate MC). Therefore the only solution was a hard reset on the HTPC, and that caused the HDMI audio feed to the Receiver to get banjaxed (presumably the hard reset sent a trashed HDMI handshake to the Receiver). So finally I had to do an orderly shut down and restart of the AVR, the HTPC, and the iPad (including the JRemote application), before I could restore everything back to normal !!

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Re: JRemote caused MC and MS Windows and my Receiver to crash (really) !!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2015, 05:39:25 am »

Have you noticed this happening more than once?

It would be surprising if this is because of JRemote, but should be easy to verify if it is related to the battery warning.
I have noticed JRiver freezing from time to time, especially the MAC version.


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Re: JRemote caused MC and MS Windows and my Receiver to crash (really) !!
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 09:59:11 am »

Have you noticed this happening more than once?

It would be surprising if this is because of JRemote, but should be easy to verify if it is related to the battery warning.

No I never had this happen before. And I was also surprised that it happened. Most likely because I never before had the battery on the iPad run down at the same time as I was using JRemote. But anyway I can definitely confirm that 1) JRemote was the running app on the iPad, 2) JRemote was showing the Playing Now info for a track playing on MC, and 3) that MC stopped playing music to the receiver (froze up) at the exact same time as the battery warning appeared over the JRemote app on the iPad. Of course this may be an amazing coincidence, but the simultaneity of the two events on the iPad and on the PC was totally obvious to me.

Author of Whitebear Digital Media Renderer Analyser -
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Re: JRemote caused MC and MS Windows and my Receiver to crash (really) !!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2015, 08:37:46 am »

Thank you for reporting it. My iPad is at 100% right now, but I will try to do a test when it runs down to 20.
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