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Author Topic: Images  (Read 1913 times)


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« on: January 28, 2015, 09:53:27 am »

I would like Images to display only my personal photos. They are on my E drive under E:\Pictures. I also get album coverart and tv series episode cover art from other drives on my computer. I have manually deleted all album and episode cover art from this view.  Is there a way or a rule that i can use to keep the coverart  for albums and episodes appearing in this view going forward.


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Re: Images
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 09:56:27 am »

You will need to set up the appropriate auto-import rules. Disable image importing from all locations in Tools->import->Configure Auto-Import except for E:\Pictures (that you may need to add). You can also select to ignore special image files such as folder.jpg, which should help alleviate some of the issues.


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Re: Images
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 10:23:42 am »

no need to disable auto import or anything like that....which then may not import stuff you might want in MC

just create a view that you like, and in customize view>...set rules for file display  just set filename(path) DOES NOT contain [whatever drives you don't want showing stuff]


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Re: Images
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 12:00:04 pm »

Every now and then, two solutions get posted that fascinate me :)

Both solutions will work, and demonstrate how differently wired we are from each other.

Personally, I would choose BryanC's approach, though I'm not certain you need all the exclusions. I think the one 'include' rule would do it. All the other erroneous images will have been imported by the "countdown to import" thing we get in the action window on first run.

ferday's solution would achieve the same goal, but the OCD in me could not handle knowing that all those erroneous files were in my library, even though I never saw them!
It should also be pointed out that BryanC did not advise disabling auto import, he advised configuring it.


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Re: Images
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 03:45:51 pm »

Thanks Guys. I appreciate the responses.


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Re: Images
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 11:08:00 am »

I tried both solutions last night and I am sure it is user error but I could not get it to work.. Just so I don't leave any information out I have 5 hard drives that have subfolders i.e. movies, tv series, music that I have in the auto import list.  I went in to each item in import/configure auto-import and right clicked then selected edit and unchecked images from each one leaving only E:\Pictures checked for images. I don't know if this is what I did wrong or not but to check I went into a tv series folder and manually imported a series to see if it would appear in the images and it did. Should i not manually import? I then went to Images in standard view and right clicked and selected customize and set a rule filename(path) does not contain and I used E:\tv series. Is this correct way to exclude a drive and its subfolder. please tell me what i am doing wrong. thanks


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Re: Images
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2015, 11:31:13 am »

If you manually import a photo, of course it will wind up in the MC database.

The photo may also have already been picked up by auto-import prior to you configuring the options. It's probably best to just remove your photos from MC and letting auto-import reimport only from E:\Pictures. You will need to enable adding files previously removed from the library in the autoimport settings.


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Re: Images
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2015, 11:37:43 am »

I tried both solutions last night and I am sure it is user error but I could not get it to work.. Just so I don't leave any information out I have 5 hard drives that have subfolders i.e. movies, tv series, music that I have in the auto import list.  I went in to each item in import/configure auto-import and right clicked then selected edit and unchecked images from each one leaving only E:\Pictures checked for images. I don't know if this is what I did wrong or not but to check I went into a tv series folder and manually imported a series to see if it would appear in the images and it did. Should i not manually import? I then went to Images in standard view and right clicked and selected customize and set a rule filename(path) does not contain and I used E:\tv series. Is this correct way to exclude a drive and its subfolder. please tell me what i am doing wrong. thanks

The second part should work (path does not contain..)

As to the first part...if you turn off auto import (wether for a drive or a file type), but the images have previously been imported, they will remain imported (turning it off does not remove them)

That is why I usually recommend configuring a view instead, as its a bit more effort to in-import then re-import with the correct settings

Right click "images" then "create new view".  Set the does not contain rule into the new view, name it photos or whatever...then to only see your photos use that view.  If you use the import settings to deny images from your videos drive, then you won't be able to view those images...

Marko is correct there is more than one way to do it, but I like to import EVERYTHING, then configure a lot of views to see what I want...that way I have access to everything.  But some may not like that, in which case you'll have to set your auto import options, then select all the offending images and "remove from library"

Technically you could also set up a new library with only the photos, or set a new user that can only see those photos...major drawbacks to those options but it demonstrates how powerful (and confusing) MC can be!


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Re: Images
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2015, 01:06:22 pm »

thanks for the clarification.


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Re: Images
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2015, 04:08:42 pm »

What if you want the block personal pictures and only have album art?? How do you do that??? Thanks
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