I have an Id, bought in July of 2014 I believe.
Always was kind of unstable, but never had the time to trouble shoot.
It would work on initial setup, then eventually just hang up on changing songs.
Reboot was the only option, It is installed without a monitor so that makes it a minor pain to troubleshoot.
Install on my desk to troubleshoot and it works, reinstall in the rack and it works for a while...
Alas, it is a problem again, I follow the wiki and plan to do the update.
It wont Boot, again follow the wiki, make a boot usb from the iso download, and it wont finish the install, hangs up at various places....
Reboot from the iso usb key and do a memory test and it has many errors in all phases of the test.
So maybe the memory was a cause of the unstableness?
Is there any warranty left on a July '14 purchase?
Is there any spec to the warranty to be able to replace if it isnt under warranty?