Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

New JRiver Id

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Thanks, will try those options tonight.

Success! Reinstalling the firmware fixed it. I am into MC and able to pull from my main PC/Library and push to the ID from my main PC/library. Appreciate all the help & patience.

I assume the best thing to do is purchase a Master license from my main PC and then use the license restore on the ID?

Also, right now it is playing through the HDMI default (monitor speakers). I have it hooked up via USB to a PS Audio Sprout (integrated DAC,amp). When I go into Tools, Options, Audio, Devices I see a lot of options but nothing that looks like the Sprout. Since the ID is running Linux I was not sure whether to download & install the USB drivers for the Sprout. Should I go ahead & do that? I thought I saw some discussions on the forum where it seemed to indicate that not all USB dacs will work.

Good news, and thanks for your patience.

The USB device is something like something ALSA something front.  It should be in the instructions on the wiki.
No driver should be installed.


--- Quote from: greatgreyowl on February 09, 2015, 09:26:31 pm ---Success! Reinstalling the firmware fixed it. I am into MC and able to pull from my main PC/Library and push to the ID from my main PC/library. Appreciate all the help & patience.

I assume the best thing to do is purchase a Master license from my main PC and then use the license restore on the ID?

Also, right now it is playing through the HDMI default (monitor speakers). I have it hooked up via USB to a PS Audio Sprout (integrated DAC,amp). When I go into Tools, Options, Audio, Devices I see a lot of options but nothing that looks like the Sprout. Since the ID is running Linux I was not sure whether to download & install the USB drivers for the Sprout. Should I go ahead & do that? I thought I saw some discussions on the forum where it seemed to indicate that not all USB dacs will work.

--- End quote ---

The license is included with the Id. If it doesn't show up under help->registration info PM me with your serial number from the bottom of the Id and I'll send you the license.



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