Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

The Id Breaks Out

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We're adding to the current Id (now Id Classic) with a few other products.

Here's a draft page:

Please help us refine what we offer.

Note that pricing is approximate and may still change.

Fully baked... good one! ;)

Yowza - that Id stick is going to be popular, especially if it can render and display video. I'm gonna get me one of those, and a copy of ID for reinstalls!

Please add a remote access option to the Ids. It is a royal PITA to have to take the device to somewhere I can hook up a keyboard, mouse, and monitor/TV to it. VNC would be nice. Even a telnet/ssh window into the text menu would work just fine.  Going to have to do that anyway, for the devices that do not have any video output.

Anything would work. :)


A Windows 8.1/10 version of the Compute Stick might also be a winner, as would a 32 GB Windows version of the USB Id.
Exciting times!
I can foresee a Windows Compute Stick connected to my dining room 1080p touch screen via the AVR. I guess it doesn't have to be Windows for the intended purpose if MC Linux is up to snuff - it's just hard to shake off the bias.

Nice move on Pi2 and Id stick, congratulations !


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