Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

The Id Breaks Out

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--- Quote ---In the bluetooth case is it the phone handling the output and the Pi is just acting as a server?  Or do you have a bluetooth dongle hooked up to your pi?  Once a phone's involved you have all kinds of options, for example, I know my phone works with most USB2 compatible DACs, etc.

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Interesting you should make that comparison. I just picked up a BT dongle for the Pi at lunch today.

I was however talking about the iPhone doing the BT part, iPhone paired with a BT receiver/Speaker. It actually works very well this way.

I'll test using BT from the Pi to headphones/Speaker tonight using JRemote for control.

Since it appears 12000mAH is way overkill for a portable Pi, I've picked up a couple of smaller capacity USB power banks to try(2200mAh and 3200mAh), along with a Toshiba 1TB slim 2.5" portable drive.

--- Quote ---Agreed, a USB DAC hooked to the pi is probably the easiest thing (and is what I plan to do with mine, either routing to headphones or speakers as needed)

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The Pi works great with my portable FiiO E17 DAC/Headphone Amp and with the Desktop FiiO dock too.


--- Quote from: Hilton on March 05, 2015, 09:59:19 pm ---Since it appears 12000mAH is way overkill for a portable Pi, I've picked up a couple of smaller capacity USB power banks to try(2200mAh and 3200mAh), along with a Toshiba 1TB slim 2.5" portable drive.

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I think you'll find the power consumption will jump quite a bit with the drive attached; my slim WD 1tb drive draws about three times as much power as the Pi does!

--- Quote ---The Pi works great with my portable FiiO E17 DAC/Headphone Amp and with the Desktop FiiO dock too.

--- End quote ---

That's funny, I was testing with an Fiio e17 too (and I agree it works great).  Great minds think alike (or something like that  ;D )

I'm a bit confused by the Id Pi... why is it listed as suitable for "advanced users"? If it comes with Debian, MC20, and Id firmware installed shouldn't it be pretty straightforward to get working?

In my opinion, it may require more hands on attention.  Eventually, this may change.  It's really up to you to decide if you're willing to invest the time if needed.

We also have less experience with the rPi, compared to the NUC.


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