Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

The Id Breaks Out

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I still have this fascination with VFD alpha displays as a usb plug-in device driven by both 'stock' MC and the new hardware devices.  Have the MC driver pretty flexible so that we can choose what kind of 'now playing' info gets scrolled.

VFDs just look cool/sexy on a shelf in a darkened room.

Great to see MC expanding its business!

It would be awesome if there was an option for additional (software) combinations for the appliance: For example, TuneBlade preconfigured to allow Airplay.
This could be done with trial version of the software of even with a reseller agreement (all licenses included), and would allow the hardware / SW combo to be sold by the partners on their website as well. Would be a win-win-win :)

This is sweet.  I didn't notice you'd made this public.

I'm ordering an Id Stick.  Nice job.

What's the break down on availability?

Obviously the Intel Stick will follow their release date but others, e.g. the usb version, should be on their way out the door ... when?

We should ship the USB Kit next week.

On a couple of the products, it says "Available in April".  If it doesn't say that, they are available now.


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