Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

How do I disable headless mode?


I thought  I had my JRiver set up to try the headless mode.  Rebooting with HDMI and USB (keyboard & mouse) cable installed shows a normal boot until the GUI logo flashes then no more video follows and monitor goes into power saving mode.  How do I get out of headless mode?  Is the process merely installing the HDMI & USB cables and reboot?


By trial and error I think I figured out how to resume GUI mode if in Headless Mode:
1. Power down the Id
2. Insert HDMI and keyboard & mouse cables
3. Boot the Id
4. Observe standard boot images until a logo (a logo related to the GUI mode I think) flashes on & off.
5. Then type the number "1" and then "enter". (Though the monitor is not active because of headless mode, I believe the text mode menu is active and so is the keyboard input.
    Consequently you can type any of the text menu numbers i.e., "1" for GUI and cause a reboot into GUI mode which replaces the headless mode.)
6. After a delay the command lines will start scrolling and the GUI will soon appear.

I am amazed that everyone one who read my initial post did not know how to back out of the headless mode or was unwilling to comment.


--- Quote from: curmudgeon on February 21, 2015, 08:10:13 pm ---By trial and error I think I figured out how to resume GUI mode if in Headless Mode:
1. Power down the Id
2. Insert HDMI and keyboard & mouse cables
3. Boot the Id
4. Observe standard boot images until a logo (a logo related to the GUI mode I think) flashes on & off.
5. Then type the number "1" and then "enter". (Though the monitor is not active because of headless mode, I believe the text mode menu is active and so is the keyboard input.
    Consequently you can type any of the text menu numbers i.e., "1" for GUI and cause a reboot into GUI mode which replaces the headless mode.)
6. After a delay the command lines will start scrolling and the GUI will soon appear.

I am amazed that everyone one who read my initial post did not know how to back out of the headless mode or was unwilling to comment.

--- End quote ---
Even in headless mode you should see information on the display, it just doesn't do the HDMI initialization so you should see a 80x25 screen. It's probably why no one commented.
It's possible you might need to do the boot repair from the repair image.


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