In theory it is...
On this issue, I learned from my friends. They have different systems, but the description of the problem coincided.
Then I checked out what they were saying on my computer. All confirmed.
Tracks made in 16 bits need to listen to the 16-bit output. Hi-res tracks (24-bit) need to listen to the 24-bit output for 24-bit DAC.
The deterioration of the sound heard when the output bit depth is not the same bit depth at the entrance.
This is evident in flat musical stage, unnatural overtones of musical instruments and a simplified voice of the singer.
Do you not hear this?
I really do not understand from a technical point of view, how is this possible. ?
It may be the case in MC conversion algorithm, case in appeared delay due to conversion or may be the case in the DAC.
But the system that were different. Different computers, different operating systems, different DACs and different listeners.
I think people who bought the player does not share the view that all the players sound the same.
I only ask that there was appeared some mode in which the player automatically select the same bit depth as that of the playing file.
It's so obvious and correct.