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Author Topic: Remote idea iPad & Android as a touch screen for Theatre Mode using Air Displa  (Read 1601 times)


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New here, just had a quick look and did not notice anyone talking about my system for using my iPad to control JRiver.

I tried using JRemote, but didn't like the fact I could not adjust the viewing style. i.e. No folder view.

So I thought the best way to use JRiver would be in Theatre mode with a touch screen monitor. So now I'm thinking of using Air Display on my iPad, seems to be running quite well using a a 3rd party free trial app. The only thing which lets it down is the mouse cursor keeps popping up every time I touch the screen.

Has anyone else tried this? If so whats the best App?

This would give us all fully customisable control using our iPad. Theatre mode is much better with a handheld touch screen.


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You should be able to customize whatever is displayed in JRemote, though I'm not sure on what, specifically, it is that you're looking for.
And JRemote has a "remote" section which you can use to control Theater View.
I can't say that I enjoy controlling Theater View with a touchscreen device though; even via a remote connection. (personally, I like the Jump Desktop app, since it supports both VNC and RDP connections)
I'd much rather have a physical remote or a game controller.
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