Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

NUC for ID - JRiver stock model or later version?

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the NUC that JRiver is using is the one with the lowest power consumption, based on Intel's site.

Here's some assumptions for offer ;)
I assume the lower power consumption has to do with the processor and that in turn with the heat it is producing; bigger & 'hotter' processor will require more cooling = more noise. This could be the advantage of the Id's hardware, of course it's cheap, too.

If the performance suffers - dunno

Here is a review I did of the 2820 and it is still going strong.  The benefits of the 2820 is it has a great Cost/Performance ratio.  It is cheap, has plenty of ports etc, and is powerful enough for mainstream use.  By comparison, my testing of the Stick would indicate that there are a number of compromises where I don't think it is as good Value for Money for my situation as it has some limitations that the older 2820 does not have when it comes to video playback.

Sure there are newer, more powerful NUC now out but they also cost more and if that "extra" performance is not tapped by the media you play it is arguable a waste.  That said, as stuff like 4K becomes more mainstream and if you want processing like ROHQ then you are going to have to buy a more powerful and expensive setup.



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