Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Two quick questions about the Id. . . .


If I use the Id as a DLNA Renderer to a Windows based MC20 will HLS radio streams play on the Id? (they are not supported on the hardware renderers I have  :-[ ).

Is there a form of remote console access to the iD (RDP or VNC or similar) I really don't want to have to connect it to a screen and keyboard once it's installed and I'm sure  it'll need a bit of human input at some point. . .




--- Quote from: Spike1000 on March 17, 2015, 11:39:02 am ---If I use the Id as a DLNA Renderer to a Windows based MC20 will HLS radio streams play on the Id? (they are not supported on the hardware renderers I have  :-[ ).

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I'm not an expert on HLS but if you have a URL, I'll try it.

--- Quote ---Is there a form of remote console access to the iD (RDP or VNC or similar) I really don't want to have to connect it to a screen and keyboard once it's installed and I'm sure  it'll need a bit of human input at some point. . .



--- End quote ---
There isn't a remote console access at this time. There is a bit of a catch22 here since running in headless mode runs mediacenter in a mode where it never displays a user interface and running in GUI mode, at least until very recently, required the attachment of a monitor anyway because of HDMI initialization.


--- Quote from: bob on March 17, 2015, 10:49:07 pm ---I'm not an expert on HLS but if you have a URL, I'll try it.
--- End quote ---

Many thanks Bob for looking into this.
These are the sort of HLS streams I'm wanting to play:

They are BBC radio streams, the first 2 should play outside the UK, the third is geographically locked to the UK only I believe (I'm assuming you're outside the UK  ;) )

--- Quote ---There isn't a remote console access at this time. There is a bit of a catch22 here since running in headless mode runs mediacenter in a mode where it never displays a user interface and running in GUI mode, at least until very recently, required the attachment of a monitor anyway because of HDMI initialization.

--- End quote ---

Ok, I understand, no problem. Could I just put windows on an NUC and install another copy of MC, would that work the same as an Id if used as a renderer? It'd need a Windows license and regular windows patching which is a bit of a pain. And to be honest I'm not entirely sure of the technical difference between an Id and a windows MC running as DNLA renderer.




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