Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Access key invalid


I received my id on Wednesday, I'm up and running with one exception. I want to use it as a stand alone unit but it only appears on my JRiver app when my PC is running. I found the access key on the id but, when entered, it comes back as invalid.
I saw a notice when I rebooted that I had 30 days left on my trial period..... is it possible my id isn't registered?
Thanks for any help, I'm new to this and its getting a bit frustrating.


--- Quote from: Spgcues on March 20, 2015, 03:29:01 pm ---I received my id on Wednesday, I'm up and running with one exception. I want to use it as a stand alone unit but it only appears on my JRiver app when my PC is running.
--- End quote ---
What JRiver app?

Do you mean the Id when you say PC?  The Id doesn't require any other machine to run.

The wiki has topics on Remote and Media Network.

When I posted, I misread the access key. I entered the correct access key number only to find the username and password that I use to log in here is different than the one I used when I first purchased MC20.
I have JRiver MC20 on my PC.
I have the JRemote app on my Iphone. I use it to control MC20 on my PC. Now I would like to use it to control the "id". To do so, I need to add a new server to JRemote. I entered the correct access key number but the username and password that I use here in the forum are incorrect.

Please read the Media Network topic on the wiki.  Set authentication on your server in MC if you need it.

The forum login is different than the login for the server.


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