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Author Topic: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question  (Read 2775 times)


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Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:28:01 pm »

Is there a way to configure PMW so that it downloads my purchases from the Pono music store and not import them?

I have a folder configured for my pono purchase downloads.

I have other folders where I'm managing my music. It's in these folders that I manage my library and do my tagging. The original downloads are a mess and I do not want them in my library.



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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2015, 05:24:00 am »

I second this question as I have the same set up.  I don't think there is a way currently, but seems like it would be easy enough to add an "import to library after download" option to be able to disable this.   Or, something more global that says if it's not in the folder your import is set up to watch, it doesn't get added to the library.  That was the behavior I expected actually.


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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 09:08:21 am »

I'm pretty sure the answer is no. So, I think you're stuck with this:  Create dir for pono to download to and then delete the libary entries (the entries only and not the files) after the downloads are complete. Using a file manager (e.g., Explorer), move the files to where you want them. Then import afresh from the desired location(s).


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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 09:21:02 am »

I think your right, this is not configurable.

I have download locations where I keep my purchases. I've been keeping the original downloads there. I then copy the download into the folder where I keep my music, delete the old tracks from PMW and do an auto-import and I'm done. I then go on to do my tagging including a rename of files to clean up the file naming.



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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2015, 05:51:06 am »

Here's the second part to this design issue and why it needs to be built.  Because PMW keeps those downloads in the library, and my auto-import settings analyze audio and update tags, it will scan these files and change them from the original downloads.  While not "harmful" per se, it's not what I want the software to do.  I want it to ignore my download library so that it's pristine and only act on the location that I told it to import from.

This is definitely a wish list item to be able to clearly configure.  I think this is as "simple" as adding an "add to library" option to the Pono Music service so that we can de-select this option.  If it's not added to the library, I don't think PMW will muck with the files.  The other option is to ensure that the auto-import functions ONLY acts upon files in the location that you specify for the import.  Either way, this should be low hanging fruit to put into a new release and ease some frustration.


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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2015, 10:30:17 am »

Here's the second part to this design issue and why it needs to be built.  Because PMW keeps those downloads in the library, and my auto-import settings analyze audio and update tags, it will scan these files and change them from the original downloads.  While not "harmful" per se, it's not what I want the software to do.  I want it to ignore my download library so that it's pristine and only act on the location that I told it to import from.

This is definitely a wish list item to be able to clearly configure.  I think this is as "simple" as adding an "add to library" option to the Pono Music service so that we can de-select this option.  If it's not added to the library, I don't think PMW will muck with the files.  The other option is to ensure that the auto-import functions ONLY acts upon files in the location that you specify for the import.  Either way, this should be low hanging fruit to put into a new release and ease some frustration.

Have had a similar experience and concur. I have already discovered files in my OSX Trash that I did put there. Becoming a proceed at your own risk. So the feedback from users is important and appropriately offered in my opinion in a thoughtful and respectful manner.


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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2015, 09:33:45 am »

I think this is a reasonable enhancement.  We could add a configurable location for purchased music to the Options / File location dialog along with a check-mark for whether they should be imported following download.  Then if you ensured that folder wasn't included in the auto-import watch folders, they won't be imported.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Downloading Purchases - Configuration question
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2015, 05:49:01 pm »

JohnT - YOU ROCK!  Thank you for picking up on this and moving it forward.  (And for responding to my other post too!) 
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