Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

My ID stopped working.....

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My id stopped working. I'm not sure what the issue is. It was working fine Friday night and when I tried to use it Saturday morning it didn't work. I connected HDMI and the screen is black with a lot of computer jargon.... does this mean its not booting?
I have a picture but can't post it here, yes, I see the insert image button but I can't figure out how to use it. >:(
The last few lines are....

atal.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
atal.00: error : { UNC }
end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 20973824
EXT4-fs error (device sdal): __ext4_get_inode_loc:3920: inode #....( this line runs off the screen)
....block 2621472: comm modprobe: unable to read itable block

I've only had this for a week and up until now I've had no problems.
 I looked in the bios and my bios version is   FYBYT10H.86A.0048.2015.0129.1411
I saw a post for bios updates and the link has 4 different downloads, I'm not sure which to download or if this is even why it stopped working.

Try disconnecting the power cord and then reconnecting it and push the power switch.

Make sure you have an Internet connection when you do and wait longer, maybe even an hour.  It's possible it failed when it updated.

Your BIOS is 48 and it's good.

There is another thing we can try, but I'd rather Bob commented first.

There is a command prompt at the end, when I hit the enter key. The first few letters are off the screen but I think it says....
enter runlevel:

Unplugging was no good, further up on screen there is a line that says....

atal. 00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED

.....if thats any help

It this a classic or a model 201 or 202?

This sounds like a drive issue.


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