Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Windows 8 on ID


I have a couple of questions:

I am thinking of installing windows 8 on my ID to make it more versatile.

1   I assume that the hardware is able to handle running windows 8 and MC20?

2   This would presumably mean that I require the full version of MC 20, do I have to purchase this at full price or is there a upgrade / promotional fee for owners of the ID?

Or am I missing the point and not using the ID properly?! 

If I did go ahead and then decide it was a bad move is it possible to re install the Linux ID OS and MC software or should I just make a dual boot installation of windows to trial it first?


Here is a review of the NUC N2820 running Windows / MC.  On the licencing Jim (or a JR'er) would need to comment.

Thanks jmone

The Id is a different license and there is no update from it.

If you haven't done so, please post what you're trying to do.


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