Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Moving files to the Id

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--- Quote from: Geekspeak on April 14, 2015, 12:47:32 pm ---ok. I have a log. how do I get it to you?

--- End quote ---
The report problem function emails the log.
It will be the Previous log if you've started MC.
If they are too big put them in a dropbox or something similar and PM me a link.

I am on my second id. The first one was buggy, so I got a new one. I paid extra for a 2TB internal drive, but no one on this support line can tell me how to get my library on it (handheld sync-FAIL, map drive-FAIL).

It appears that this 'ID' concept is just that...a concept....and a way to suck $400 out of my pocket

Let me know when you get it to work...meanwhile I will try to get a refund...

Send it back.


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