Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

linux commands for copying and deleting


I purchased an Id from you guys with a 2 TB hard drive. I want to connect a drive to the USB and copy my library on to the hard drive of the Id. It already has some of my library, as I did a partial sync using handheld device menu. my question is:

how do I copy these files into the id, and will it ignore the files it already has and not overwrite them (to save time)? I didn't see any graphic file manager on the id, so I am assuming it is all command line.

thank you

It might be easier to copy across your network from your PC.

I've tried this as a sync, but it keeps failing. How do you recommend I do this over the network (keep in mind my library is over 1:TB)

If you mount the Id drive as a share using explorer instead of the handheld sync you should be able to skip the existing files (and click the do this for the rest box).

The Id drive does not show in explorer.


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